Pihole does not start when Host Path chosen for config files

Trying to run Pihole. Once installed with default paths for Config and Dnsmasq (ixVolume) everything runs without problems. As soon as I define custom Host Path for Config and Dnsmasq the app hangs ‘Deploying’. Versions: Truenas Scale 23.10.2, Pihole 2024.03.2. The log:

2024-05-04 09:38:27 Startup probe failed: Get “”: dial tcp connect: connection refused

2024-05-04 09:38:14 Successfully pulled image “pihole/pihole:2024.03.2” in 6.044212044s (6.044220533s including waiting)

2024-05-04 09:38:14 Created container pihole

2024-05-04 09:38:14 Started container pihole

2024-05-04 09:38:07 Scaled up replica set pihole-66f8c6ff96 to 1

2024-05-04 09:38:07 Created pod: pihole-66f8c6ff96-k2hrh

2024-05-04 09:38:07 Successfully assigned ix-pihole/pihole-66f8c6ff96-k2hrh to ix-truenas

2024-05-04 09:38:07 Pulling image “pihole/pihole:2024.03.2”

What do I do incorrectly pls?