What about updates? It updates. Yes, custom apps will migrate fine. I would suggest taking a step back and learning some things about docker and nextcloud in docker from the doc. It will help you immensely. Nextcloud is one of the tougher apps to understand and learn, esp in “docker”.
Quoting for emphasis. @Lev, Nextcloud is big, and it’s flexible, and because of that, it’s complicated. There are lots of moving pieces that depend on each other. I really think it’s something worth running in its own VM, or VM-like environment (jail/sandbox).
Leave alone nextcloud, I’m struggling to install jc21/nginx-proxy-manager conainer, it freezes app page
And a better source for nextcloud help is the nextcloud forum. Including installation issues.
Don’t tell me sandbox - I’ll die configuring this thing…
no, if I’ll have ability to compose docker with an additional packages - that’s ok. This machine isn’t strong enough to host VMs
You’ll be able to use docker compose in the very next version, Electric Eel, if no rush, I’d simply do nothing and wait for that. Far easier than potentially converting twice. Unless you have some urgent rush. So many are worrying about not getting updates with Truecharts apps. Always chasing updates.
Yeah, definitely good idea to just wait.
I’ll be able to just compose the dockerfile the way I want. I think that this kubernetes is also quite slow.
It can be, depends on your system. On my system, it averages well under 1% cpu usage. But on slower systems than mine, can be for sure. Docker compose will greatly simplify things for many who are more familiar with it.
I continued experimenting.
I finally solved the strict-transport-security (max-age) warning, though not sure if applies to all cases.
I just edited the list of trusted domains in the config.php file, located in the NextCloud pod.
I deleted all trusted domains, except My NextCloud domain and the localhost. My NextCloud domain as “0” and localhost as 1. Excluding the local host generated a different warning. I think that having the NextCloud domain as the first option would solve the issue without deleting the rest of the trusted domains, but did not want to expend more time.
‘trusted_domains’ =>
array (
0 => ‘xx.xxxxxx.com’,
1 => ‘localhost’,
This eliminated the warning.
I hope this helps others