Plex on EE 24.10.0 - Media folders seen but no files found

I’m a new convert from Synology so still very much in the learning stage. Been working hard to solve issues using videos/guides but Plex has got me stuck.

Summary is:

  • Plex installed via Truenas app library
  • All configs set as ixvolume
  • User is set to my user (3000) and Group set to Group it belongs to (950)
  • Added Media folders in app settings as Host Paths. Both in same Dataset - /mnt/BARBER/MEDIA/Movies and /mnt/BARBER/MEDIA/TV
  • Plex up and running and can see both folders
  • Movies are being pulled in successfully
  • TV shows not being found. In Plex/manage libraries I can navigate and see all TV folders but none of the files can be seen. (I can in MOVIES)

Anyone have a suggestion on how to solve this? Pulling my hair out!