Plex Plugin will not install

HELP! I am trying to install the Plex plugin on my TrueNAS 13.0-U6.2 server. I get the following

Error: 13.2-RELEASE was not found

I’m no Linus expert so please keep that in mind (I’m a dummy)

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Are you trying to install from the plugin catalog? If so, please do not do so. The plugins are broken and no chance that will change. Also, the pkg catalog updated recently so 13.2 versions are gone. I noticed the same when checking for updates on my Nextcloud install which is in a 13.2 jail. MY Plex is in a 13.3 jail and doesn’t have any issues. There are 2 things you can do: 1) a manual install or scripted install using @dan 's script in a 13.3 jail. 2) wait for TN 13.3 to be released and install then, also manual or using the script.

Just for completeness: 13.3 jails in TN 13.0 might give some issues. It didn’t for me with Plex but i could do so for other installations in a jail.

Last but not least, TN 13.0 U6.2 is FreeBSD based, not Linux.

For your situation you would be best supported by upgrading to SCALE and using the Plex app right in the UI catalog.

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I agree however, what apps do you have on your TrueNAS? -i.e. can you expand on your current setup? What else besides a plex (or other media apps) do you have?

-e.g. My server is: 1. Plex (or media) server and Nextcoud on a home network behind a firewall. 2. Sensitive data 3. Launch codes.

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I upgraded to TrueNAS Scale and all is good!!


That was the ticket! THX!

:slight_smile: I’m not sure my post should be marked “the solution” I was just trying to get you to pause before blindly updating (so someone else far smarter than I can say “oh, you have that, then do this before hitting update”). But, glad you got it figured out.

…Enjoy the movie.

If you want to see the current list of apps in the TrueNAS official catalog in Dragonfish you can see it here:

Some are listed under Charts, the others are Community apps.

What did you do to upgrade?

Steps anywhere? I am roughly in the same boat.

Plex is working fine currently, but Qbittorent plugin isn’t.

I have 2 VM’s running.

What the OP did was switch to TrueNAS SCALE instead of CORE.

SCALE has Apps instead of plugins. Plugins are dead, so switching to SCALE is one of your only options.

The other option is running your own manual jails, and installing software inside them.

If you choose the latter, there are a decent amount of install script already that automate installs for software such as plex, nextcloud, vauktwarden and others. Check the resources section.

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Upgrade to Dragonfish Scale Truenas Release. Its under the pulldown in the web gui (under upgrade).

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The TN CORE solution was to just make a 13.3 jail and install Plex from pkg instead.


Best way for me to update manually in the jail now?
Happy to follow any links etc.

How did you install again? Plugin or manually in a jail?

Plugin. 13.1-RELEASE-p9


Did you mount your media files into your plex jail? Or do they live inside of it?

Still not going to work anymore. If you installed the plugin at the time, it is not going to work to update it manually. I strongly recommend you set it up from scratch in a base-jail or use a script. Once done, no hassle anymore and you can just update the jail and the pkg with a couple of simple commands. Btw, Plex is on right now.

Just for completeness, if you update your TrueNAS Core to the latest version (13.4-RELEASE) and create a new base-jail in which you install the plex pkg, you can configure the mount points in that jail to go to your previous content and all will be just fine. I did the same. Never been happier.

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13.4? :eyes:


Thanks, any walk-through to follow? :thinking:

13.4 would refer to the jail version, not the TrueNAS version.

Go to jails>create and choose the 13.4 release.


Ah great. Will do.
So spin up a new one, see how it goes and all working… then can remove old one?

Anything else to consider? How it impacts viewing on the tv/apps/pc etc? Need to just log in to the new one I take it?

Then a walk-through anywhere I can follow for manual base jail setup? Mimic plugin?

Old -

New -


Too late to just use this?
Just got the base jail setup.