Pool lost after drive failed

Thanks for all your help so far, we’re making progress. I exported then reimported the pool through the GUI successfully, however I can’t get SMB shares to show up. Any time I try to add or edit an SMB share I get this error:


The share is created anyway but it is not visible over the network.

TBH at this stage I will probably do a complete rebuild of my system once I’ve backed up my files (most of them already were but I want to recover some recent ones) so I’d be happy just to copy them using FTP, RSync or something

Copy them where? To another pool? To another drive? External drive? Another computer?

Rather than try to skirt around the NAS appliance, why not boot into a live Linux ISO (from a USB stick), and then in this live session, import the pool and use whatever tool to copy the files?

There seems to be too much tug-of-war with the TrueNAS middleware at this point.