Possible Intruder?

So i have been running TrueNAS Scale for a couple years and recently decided to begin running a plex server.
I have ubiquiti network setup and recently have noticed device types are changing within ubiquiti theres about 20MB of ssh activity in 24hrs and ive never used ssh (Believe i actually have it disabled in truenas) and data spikes over gigabit have been seen.(I have 5 gigabit internet) One of the devices that changed being the server showing up as an apple macbook?
Not sure if i should be worried or not is it normal for it to show ssh activity for plex? I know sometime unifi seems to randomize device types but when i start seeing things show up as redhat linux i get worried

If in doubt, change passwords and make sure any remote access services are disabled or locked down, if you’re aren’t using SSH, disable it if it’s enabled.

I have a feeling that Unifi may use SSH to communicate with your Ubiquiti network devices…

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It does.

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It’s not standard Plex behaviour. Investigate the logs.