Problem with Nextcloud and permissions of the datasets

so I was using Nextcloud without a problem on my Truenas Scale for few months.
I installed it following some tutorials on internet, so with one dataset for each storage
dataset “Apps”
> Nextcloud
> appdata, pgbackup, pgdata, userdata).
then I updated it to the 30… and something went off. No way to launch it now, blocked in maintenance mode.

So… I tried to reinstall Nextcloud, with all the same parameters. And now it is blocked in “deploying” mode.
I tried several things since then.

  • If I let all the storage configuration to the ixVolume, I can launch Nextcloud.
  • If I tried to link any existing storage or even try to create new datasets in the same “tree” (in Apps, or in Nextcloud), the app is blocked in deploying mode.
  • If I create a new dataset tree ( for example App > Nextcloud > Appdata, PgData, etc.), Nextcloud can work, I can access to it.

So I think the problem is in the permissions of those datasets but I cannot understand where the problem is.
I looked at all the ACL permissions of the new datasets that work and tried to copy to the old ones (must add some “traverse” permissions for some users & groups like netdata or others), but it is still blocked.

I also tried the tips in this page Nextcloud | TrueNAS Documentation Hub
by adding www-data user & group as Full control in datasets “Apps”, Nextcloud", “AppData” & “Userdata”, but it is still the same problem…

I have to admit I will be quite disappointed if I loose Nextcloud datasets. Ok I can reinstall it, all the files have been synced with our computers so no lose, I may even be able to get back my agenda… but if that happen every few months, it will be impossible to use.

So if someone has the magical solution, it will be very appreciated.


App Version: 30.0.0
Chart Version: 2.0.17

I also upgraded to version 30 and it is now stuck in maintenance mode. Have no clue right now to what is the problem. Seems as if it might be a problem with that release maybe. Wasnt able to rollback either

I found but after this subject

I do not know how to apply it in Truenas, I just noticed that it seems to work so keep it in mind if by any misfortune, it happens to me again.

Personally… I ended by doing all over again everything, I just lost something like 6 hours to config again, the app, 2 phones and 2 computers. And also the recognised people in Memories.
If you create datasets to keep all the files of Nextcloud App, you cannot copy-paste them but at least, you can copy the files of your users.