Progress and Success

I have been doing a lot of testing lately and wanted to share a win and maybe answer some questions for folks who are considering upgrading/transitioning from Core to Scale as well as some basic networking changes.

First, I finally got around to upgrading to a new NIC. For the first time in years it’s nice to have a stable network connection to my server. Reliably, my realtek onboard nic would crap out on any windows large file upload or download. It would also fail even streaming movies occasionally. It’d just lock up and would require me to reboot the system for the network to reload. I installed this new nic and fingers crossed there are no issues at all, and there is a small speed increase.

This was simple to do on my old Core machine. I just popped in the new Nic, and configured the network interface to be the same IP as my old realtek and then changed the realtek to be a different port. I still have them both connected and I can now connect to the NAS over either IP.

On another testbench, I have been testing the latest Scale release and so far I’m farily happy with it. I managed to set up both a Plex and Jellyfin install which went very well.

I also tested some VM’s and finally got a workaround to deal with the dreaded Spice timeout issues by configuring Remote Desktop in my ubuntu vm install and then download Gnome Extension manager to install an extension that allows me to reconnect my session when the screen locks.

I’ve backed everything up and will likely begin transitioning to Scale soon.

Thank you all for your help along this journey.

If anyone has any upgrade recommendations for motherboard and CPU, I’m currently using an ancient AMD Phenom 965 x4 Black edition. It’s seemed to work well enough for me so far but, I wouldn’t know what I’m missing out on with an upgrade.

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