Pulling empty Proxmox backups from my main TN Scale to my Backup TN Scale results in "backup failed" emails

I am currently writing Proxmox VE backups to my Main TN Scale. As far as I can tell, there is no option to disable empty backups in Proxmox. I then Pull backups of the Main TN dataset from Main to my Backup TN Scale using Replication. I intermittently (but often) get emails from TN Backup with things like the following:

TrueNAS @ truenas-backup

New alerts:

  • Replication “HDD-main/Important-Files,…,HDD-main/proxmox-backups/minis - HDD-backup/SM36-backups” failed: WARNING: could not send HDD-main/Important-Files/Important-Level-1@auto-2024-06-06_03-00: does not exist total estimated size is 0B cannot receive: failed to read from stream…

Current alerts:

  • Replication “HDD-main/Important-Files,…,HDD-main/proxmox-backups/minis - HDD-backup/SM36-backups” failed: WARNING: could not send HDD-main/Important-Files/Important-Level-1@auto-2024-06-06_03-00: does not exist total estimated size is 0B cannot receive: failed to read from stream…

My backups are currently configured like this:

Does anyone know how to tell TN Scale to not Replicate dataset changes <1B or have other ideas?

I think the issue is that for a recursive replication the snapshot replicated has to exist on all datasets replicated.

And your snapshot is taken at 0mins past the hour. And your replication is scheduled at 0mins past the hour.

I normally drive the replication off the snapshot task, then it will replicate when the task finishes.

Try scheduling for a few minutes past the hour.

Don’t skip empty snapshots on snapshot tasks that will be auto replicated, this will lead to missing snapshots too.