Any help would be much appreciated it, I plan to attach a VPN to this service but would like to make sure it is working properly before I buy a VPN service.
Hi. So for me it works now. I gave some more permissions at the datasheet of that chosen folder. i added apps as a user and the user i created for smb in my netweork with full permissions. So for now it works. Hope this could help. My english is bit buggy
Edit 31.07
Today it doesnt work correct anymore. I have acces via Windows over smb to the mainfolder but not at the subfolders. I changed nothing just the next Day…
I was having the same error so i tried out a few things. I found that you cannot have the downloads in a sub-dataset it has to be in a Primary dataset in my case which is “QbitTorrentDownloads”. I also found the you can just change the mount path in the container storage setup.