qBitTorrent Downloading Error

Hi everyone,

Ive installed qBitTorrent on my TrueNAS SCALE (TrueNAS-SCALE- following LowRes tutorial.


  1. Creating a dataset “qbittorrent-media” and giving it the following permissions:

  2. Installed qbittorrent on SCALE and directied it to the “qbittorrent-media” dataset with the following settings:

  3. Logged into the qBitTorrent WEB GUI and made sure to set my "Deafault Save Path to: “qbittorrent-media”

When I try to download a test file to check that everything is connected correctly my downloading torrent is stuck on ERROR:

Any help would be much appreciated it, I plan to attach a VPN to this service but would like to make sure it is working properly before I buy a VPN service.

Thank you team!

Hi. got the same issue. It might be a problem with permissions i think. if i solved the problem i will share it to you.

Second screenshot is showing a blank qBittorrent Downloads Storage? Is one set or did you leave this blank as shown?

Hi. So for me it works now. I gave some more permissions at the datasheet of that chosen folder. i added apps as a user and the user i created for smb in my netweork with full permissions. So for now it works. Hope this could help. My english is bit buggy :wink:

Edit 31.07

Today it doesnt work correct anymore. I have acces via Windows over smb to the mainfolder but not at the subfolders. I changed nothing just the next Day…

Just correct a setting would solve your trouble.

For me worked this:
In your step 2 click Set ACL and use preset POSIX_OPEN, the click
“Apply permissions recursively” and save.

I was having the same error so i tried out a few things. I found that you cannot have the downloads in a sub-dataset it has to be in a Primary dataset in my case which is “QbitTorrentDownloads”. I also found the you can just change the mount path in the container storage setup.