Qbittorrent w/ vpn in portainer on truenas scale

I can not access my qbittorrent ui.

To start, I am inexperienced so if I missed something obvious please point it out.

I am running truenas scale, I installed the portainer app.

I used a stack to create a qbittorrent container inside of portainer which is always routed though and openvpn (PIA). I was following this guide:

I did have to modify the volume mounts (being on truenas compared to OMV).

The portainer app has permissions and is mounted to both locations of the volumes listed. (I know it has access to the folders because it created an openvpn folder to which I added the required files and the log said that the VPN service has started)

I changed the PUID and PGID to the IDs listed as portainers IDs in truednas. Is this correct??

My final stack looks like this:



image: markusmcnugen/qbittorrentvpn

container_name: qbittorrentvpn

privileged: true  




  - PUID=568 #optional

  - PGID=568 #optional

  - WEBUI_PORT_ENV=8080 #optional

  - INCOMING_PORT_ENV=8999 #optional





  - 8080:8080

  - 8999:8999

  - 8999:8999/udp


  - /mnt/Volga/Apps/Docker/QBittorrentVPN:/config

  - /mnt/Baikal/Data/Media/Downloads:/downloads

restart: unless-stopped

So from all the above it seems like everything is working, except when I type the nas ip address:8080, I can not reach the qbittorrent interface.

Thanks in advance

Can you ssh to the TrueNAS and type

Netstat-aln | grep 8080

And provide a screenshot or paste of the output?

I get error codes

truenas_admin@truenas[~]$ Netstat-aln | grep 8080
zsh: command not found: Netstat-aln


[truenas]> Netstat-aln | grep 8080
Namespace Netstat-aln not found

Am I connecting to the wrong console?

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Sorry I posted from my phone. There’s supposed to be a space between netstat and -aln

Here you go, thanks again

Okay, so thats good. It isn’t a networking configuration issue with the docker app, as the port is listening on the TrueNAS. What exactly do you see when you navigate to that port in your browser? Have you tried both https:// and http:// ?

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I feel so silly, I just had to use http://IP:8080

Thank you so, so much

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Been there, done that, got the T-shirt :sweat_smile: