Question about custom app networks for NPM

I’ve set up a custom app with Nginx proxy manager because I want ports 80 and 443 to be mapped correctly. I gave it a static IP in its setting and the admin interface is accessible, as are ports 80 and 443.

However when I redirect traffic to my truenas apps on their own ip:port I get a 502 bad gateway error.

i suspect this has to do with internal truenas networking, and that I have to create a bridge. But I’m not sure how to tackle this.

Truenas/apps ip:
NGINX custom app ip

How would I configure a bridge to make my apps accessible to nginx? or is something else going on?

Thanks for your help

I know how to create one but not how to configure one so that all existing apps use the old ip and only this one the dedicated ip. How do I configure the k3s networks vs the bridge. What IPs do I list in the bridge.

This tutorial doesn’t help much with these questions.

There is nothing to configure for that Kubernetes system wide wise. I am not sure what you mean by the old IP, Scale ip perhaps? For the new IP, I presume you mean Nginx?

To reference another container if that is your question, you use the internal DNS names for those without a static IP, and, the static IP for those with a static IP. The internal DNS names for each non static container can be acquired via heavyscript, it will list them all. For the app(s) with static IP, You use the bridge adapter in the custom app config, the gateway is your truenas ip, and, the dns policy should say (for those apps referencing another for example nginx), you specify to check internal dns first in the custom app settings.

Does that answer the question? If not, please clarify as I already have this all working with custom apps so should be able to direct you.

Thanks I tried the most simple setup and it seems to work now. I was overcomplicating things in my mind, just had to replace the network adapter with the bridge maintaining the network adapter IP.

Thanks for your clarification :slight_smile:

As will k3s kubectl get service --all-namespaces
No need to install heavyscript for that.

Using that output, you can create the full url to an internal container with this schema:

Not for that alone but it has many other uses.