Random Disconnect SMB/WebUI

I was copying some files (~375GB) over to a new pool I had created a few weeks ago, and about 60% of the way through copying I noticed that the file transfer had frozen. The mapped network drive was disconnected, I couldn’t load the WebUI, and pressing the power button didn’t trigger a safe shutdown.

The system had only been on for about 3 hours at this point. Yesterday it was on the entire day without problem, and it’s been on for 36+ hours at times when I was doing initial testing on the drives.

I don’t think it’s a problem with power states or anything as like I say the system has been on for longer than this without problems.

NAS Specs:

  • AMD 5900X (PBO disabled)
  • Asus X570 Crosshair VIII Hero
  • 32GB (2x16GB) DDR4 (XMP disabled, no ECC)
  • LSI 9305-16i HBA
  • Intel X540-T2
  • TrueNAS Scale (ElectricEel-

The system I was copying files from is also using an Intel X540-T2, and I’m using a 40Gb CAT8 RJ45 cable.

I can’t quite remember what the shell commands are for viewing logs, but just from the UI I can’t really find any logs or anything to say why it disconnected.

All the drives are fine and the pool status is healthy. I’ve done a smart conveyance test - just in case - and it’s come back fine.

Anyone got any ideas?

What is your boot drive? (Is it a USB drive?)

What are your pool drives?

Boot drive is a Crucial P3 500GB Gen3 M.2 (CT500P3SSD8)
Pool drives are 6x Seagate EXOS X20 20TB (ST20000NM007D)

They look fine (though I don’t personally recommend Crucial because their wear rate is 10x advertised TBW - and they refuse to admit that there is a problem as evidenced by their own SMART statistics preferring instead to blame me for Bitcoin mining which I do not do).

Do you have IPMI? Or can you attach a monitor? If so then having a monitor attached when it hangs may show error messages which help identify the cause of everything hanging.

(On my own system, hangs were caused by my USB drive disconnecting, which is why I asked about USB drives specifically.)