I was copying some files (~375GB) over to a new pool I had created a few weeks ago, and about 60% of the way through copying I noticed that the file transfer had frozen. The mapped network drive was disconnected, I couldn’t load the WebUI, and pressing the power button didn’t trigger a safe shutdown.
The system had only been on for about 3 hours at this point. Yesterday it was on the entire day without problem, and it’s been on for 36+ hours at times when I was doing initial testing on the drives.
I don’t think it’s a problem with power states or anything as like I say the system has been on for longer than this without problems.
NAS Specs:
- AMD 5900X (PBO disabled)
- Asus X570 Crosshair VIII Hero
- 32GB (2x16GB) DDR4 (XMP disabled, no ECC)
- LSI 9305-16i HBA
- Intel X540-T2
- TrueNAS Scale (ElectricEel-
The system I was copying files from is also using an Intel X540-T2, and I’m using a 40Gb CAT8 RJ45 cable.
I can’t quite remember what the shell commands are for viewing logs, but just from the UI I can’t really find any logs or anything to say why it disconnected.
All the drives are fine and the pool status is healthy. I’ve done a smart conveyance test - just in case - and it’s come back fine.
Anyone got any ideas?