Re-connecting an 'Export'ed disk?

In the previous forum I posted a question about best methods of backing up. In a nutshell, I (hope I) copied a snapshot to the external drive, then disconnected it from the pool via the ‘Export’ option on the GUI. All seemed to go well.

Now I want to reconnect it. I’ve reconnected it physically and rebooted, but how do I get it to seen again by TrueNAS? I tried “Import Disk” in the GUI (bottom of the Storage section) but that fails. First an observation, although it’s one whole HD that I didnt divide in any way, the interface asks which Disk to import, offering da0p1 and da0p2 ? Huh?

Next I pick UFS as a filing system. I would have thought it was ZFS from the original backup, but that’s not offered so UFS is my best guess.

Finally I pick the top level folder to be part of it’s pool (but in testing, any and all connection points fail with the same message:

Can anyone please help? What do I need to do to reconnect my backup disk?!

Thank you in advance.
I see the problem seems to be with it complaining about "da0p2 (or da0p1) - which is the disk, rather than the “No such file or directory” it specifies. And as I noted above, it is odd that it somehow sees at as these two entities, while under ‘Disks’ in the GUI this disk is listed as simply “da0”. So the problem is why is one part of TrueNAS seeing it as da0 and the ‘Import Disk’ section seeing it as da0p1 and da0p2 ???

You haven’t told us which version of TrueNAS you’re using, and that’s kind of important to accurately answer your question. Assuming it’s SCALE, you’d go to Storage → Import Pool.

I am :-

System - TrueNAS-12.0-U8.1
CPU - Intel Core i3 4130
Motherboard HP Pegatron Memphis-S uATX
125 GB Crucial SSD (boot system and logs)
2 x 8TB Seagate Ironwolf NAS drives
User - Nervous noobie going on baffled beginner.

I found how to add this info as a fooer but I’d love to know how to compact at as you have, and which was easily done with a SPOILER markup on the old forum!

Also, I edited and updated my orignal question now - thank you Dan.

I don’t have CORE 12 running, but I don’t think it’s changed between 12 and 13. In 13, it’s Storage → Pools → Add, then choose “Import an existing pool.”

…and it’s easily done on this forum with a [details] tag. It would look like this:

[details="Pithy quote"]
Stones, then rocks, then boulders which pranced past him like clumsy puppies, only much, much bigger, much, much harder and heavier, and almost infinitely more likely to kill you if they fell on you. 

Douglas Adams: _Life, the Universe, and Everything_

…and render like this:

Pithy quote

Stones, then rocks, then boulders which pranced past him like clumsy puppies, only much, much bigger, much, much harder and heavier, and almost infinitely more likely to kill you if they fell on you.

Douglas Adams: Life, the Universe, and Everything


By all means, ignore the “Import Disk” menu. You’ll probably never have to use it. Use only the “Pools” menu for anything related to importing/exporting ZFS pools and managing datasets.

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Thank you. I am of course assuming it’s ZFS since, the only time I ever connected it, I had TrueNAS format it as part of my system, then I manually copied a top level recursive snapshot to it, then ‘exported’ it.

How would I do that exactly? Use the Pools menu to reconnect it?

It’s a shame that no one has replied in here on exactly where to go. I shall take it upon myself to help you, since no one else will! :muscle:

Storage → Pools → Add, then choose “Import an existing pool.”

Thank you - but why does mine come out literally, instead of seeing the tag as markup?

Because you didn’t go to the next line, and you’re using non-standard quotes. (Check your keyboard input.)

[details=“System.”]System - TrueNAS-12.0-U8.1

Should be this:

System - TrueNAS-12.0-U8.1]

(Notice the difference in the style of the double-quotes.)

“ ”
" "

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Hi Winnie
Thank you for fixing my quote problem :slight_smile:
I think you might have missed my reply to you earlier on the main question? Here it is again:

Thank you. I am of course assuming it’s ZFS since, the only time I ever connected it, I had TrueNAS format it as part of my system, then I manually copied a top level recursive snapshot to it, then ‘exported’ it.

How would I do that exactly? Use the Pools menu to reconnect it?

It’s been answered twice (or even three times) in this thread.

Did you miss this:

and this:

and this:



God this interface! I just accidentally deleted my reply - so now the pleasure of writing it twice!

Thank you Winnie.
I didn’t miss Dan’s first reply. I took it that he was saying that’s how it works in 13 - and I assumed that becuse he said it was different to 12, that it wouldn’t apply in my case. Not a miss, but a misunderstanding.

Your first reply about using the Pool, I didn’t miss either. Indeed, I replied to is asking how exactly (I find TrueNAS to be very difficult and I try to intervene with it as rarely as possible).

When you replied and gave me the detail, that was the answer I sought - then I DID miss your reply! - and thank you for it. You saved my bacon - if you know that idiom.

I seriously dislike this interface though. Not trying to exhonerate my lack of observation entirely, but it is a confusing layout. (This is my first time trying to use it too).


That’s pretty much the opposite of what I said:

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Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.

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