Unless you specifically want to set up Home Shares, just create SMB shares for your users by following the instructions in:
Ready the entire article for a full understanding but you can follow the summary procedure and the detailed sections in this article to set up shares for your users.
My understanding is this (Home Shares) is or should be a deprecated feature but I’ll need to confirm this. the plan is to deprecate this article as it can lead to confusion.
I don’t understand why there is no more explanation given to this deprecation.
Ok this is gonna be a legacy future, this is not recommended any more. Ok great. Then there schould be alternative answer presented to this line or a link to something.
What schould be doing then?
new dataset for 10 users. How can it be auto created? Just a simple smb share and I have to put in every user with its own dataset? with its own permission?
Trying to understand the decision? Is it because companies are more relying on cloud storage ms enterprise onedrive.