.recycle folder visibility for admin group

Hi, just started burning in my first TrueNAS Scale server and noticed the dataset option to “export recycle bin”. As I am starting with a single pool, and only sharing a single dataset via SMB I enabled it to test what the behavior would be. I have written several GB of data to the dataset via SMB and deleted it and can see that there is indeed that same amount of data occupying space on the dataset that cannot be seen via SMB on a Mac. I am wondering if there is a way to set permissions where I can let users in the admin group see the alluded to “.recycle” hidden folder that “deleted” data was moved to?

Can’t you just toggle finder to see hidden files?

That is an option, but I want a way for only admin users (and not standard users) to see the hidden files.

Considering that the user token of the SMB session deleting the files renames them to the target directory (recycle bin) it would be rather hard to not allow them to access it.

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