Release Notes for Supermicro BMC / BIOS Updates


today I received a mail that there is a new BMC & BIOS firmware (as bundle) available for the Supermicro A2SDi-8C-HLN4F. The new version is 2.14.0 but I cannot find the release notes which describe the changes.
Could someone give me a hint where I can find the release notes?

Thanks a lot in advance,


Firmware Resources | Support (

EDIT - There’s a new Redfish guide in the bundle - no separate release notes are listed on the support site

The link was already known to me. However, I was too stupid to recognize that the update is about the “Supermicro Update Manager” (SUM) and not about BIOS and BMC.
When checking the downloaded archive again, I recognized my mistake.

Thanks a lot.