Replicate encrypted dataset


I feel like I am struggling with something very simple here :frowning:
I would like to sync an encrypted dataset from scale to unraid.
How exactly do I do that?
Does the dataset needs to be unlocked?
Does the new data set have to be encrypted?

I would like to keep it as simple as possible, preferably not unlocking the dataset while maintain it’s encryption with the same passphrase on unraid.

I tried diffrent options…and been getting diffrent errors :slight_smile:



How? Unraid uses XFS + its own proprietary bedrock for redundancy, while TrueNAS uses ZFS.

You’d have to treat this as copying/rsync’ing files from one filesystem to another.

As for encryption with Unraid, you’ll need to refer to their docs for that. I believe they might use LUKS beneath XFS?

Thanks for the reply.
That was my original test and it failed but I can only provide the error a bit later.

But small correction, the latest version of unraid support ZFS.

Seems to be working…thanks!
not sure what I did wrong then!!!

mmm one moment…but now the new destination is not encrypted…so it’s a problem.

Ok, Don’t want to leave my data unencrypted for too long so just copied everything into a new encrypted folder.
I am sure there is a better way to do this :wink: