I recently finished the migration of my media from an old scarily-configured “Media” pool that had a bunch of striped drives in it to a new, properly configured RaidZ “Media2” pool.
I thought the next bit would be easy which was just pointing Plex to /mnt/Media2/XYZ but it doesn’t show up in the Plex. I only get the content of the old “Media” pool.
Plex Data Storage is where Plex stores it’s metadata
Plex Configuration Storage is where it stores its configuration
Plex Logs Storage - obvious
Plex Transcode Storage - temp space for transcoding
Personally I put … metadata and configuration on SSD for a more responsive Plex Client, Logs is empty directory as I don’t need them, Transcode storage can be in memory /tmp if you have enough of it otherwise on SSD.
I then added Additional Host Storage pointing at my media host path and mounted at /media inside the container.
Assuming that you have it configured correctly, then it is the Additional Host Storage that you need to point to the new pool’s mount-point.
And when I try add “Additional Storage”, I can’t change the “Type” away from ixVolume, I get the same red circle with a line through it when trying to click that dropdown.
This should allow you to select Host Path or iXvolume even on the Edit screen (some are intentionally locked down after initial install). It might be time for a bug ticket on that issue.
In the meantime, one option is to uninstall/reinstall Plex using the existing settings but mounting the new pool as a host path in additional storage.
If your metadata/config data is in a Host Path it will be retained when you delete the app and you can move stuff around in a shell.
If it is in an ixVolume then it will be deleted when you delete the app, and you will (somehow) need to get a Host Path mounted in the contained (if you haven’t already got one) and then use a container shell to move data.
Apps Pool (currently only contains the Plex App)
Data Pool (contains backups of pictures etc.)
Media Pool (the old mirrored pool I’m getting rid of)
Media2 Pool (the new 16TBx6 RaidZ pool that already has the contents of the “Media” pool copied into it)
Either you need to double click on the Windows folder to see the contents or if you can’t see inside the Windows folder then you have a permissions issue.
Double-clicking the windows folder doesn’t bring up its contents. So I guess it must be a permission issue.
I spent the weekend updating my Scale version to DragonFish as I was still on Bluefin. By the time I did all the updates and did a new install of Plex the issues resolved themselves. Thank you @Protopia for sticking through this with me and helping out!!!