Rsync a snapshot automatically

Is there an way to setup an task that rsync a snapshot after it is made? It is similar to replication but use rsync as the mechanism.

How would you go about rsync’ing a snapshot? Snapshots are not mounted. You can only rsync the state of the live dataset by default.

Of course with a custom script that takes the snapshot, mounts it, then calls rsync, that is entirely possible. Just not in the UI and with standard TrueNAS behaviour.

Sorry, didn’t think that through.

rsync works at the file layer and is completely oblivious of the underlying file system. It doesn’t matter if it’s ZFS, UFS, EXT4 … as long as a minimal set of POSIX semantics are implemented.

ZFS snapshots are a ZFS internal data structure. To send them somewhere else you need to use zfs send.

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Thanks for your reply.

I understand that the best way to backup a zfs dataset is zfs send a snapshot. But I don’t have another machine running zfs and has sufficient storage space for the dataset I would like to backup. It is not ideal to rsync live data especially while there are databases running on it.

On the Data Protection pane of the webUI, a user can create a schedule to take a snapshot and a schedule to run an rsync task. I naively thought they can link to each other to automate the backup task.

I guess I better create a feature request on this.

In the meantime, I’ll try my luck with shell-script-fu. :slight_smile:

The feature request won’t be helpful, because rsync and zfs snapshots operate at two different layers of the entire stack.

You can turn a snapshot into a file that you can copy to a remote location, though.

zfs send <pool>/path/to/dataset@snapshot | gzip -c > /mnt/some/path/to/a/directory/mysnapshot.gz

That will work to a remote machine over SSH, of course:

zfs send <pool>/path/to/dataset@snapshot | gzip -c | ssh user@remote.machine "cat >/mnt/some/path/to/a/directory/mysnapshot.gz"
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I suppose you can grab the latest snapshot name, and use that as the “source root” for the rsync command.

An example in Core / FreeBSD:

LATESTSNAP=`zfs list -H -t snap -o name -s creation mypool/mydata | tail -n 1 | sed 's/.*@//'`

Then later in the script, you use this variable for the “source root” with your rsync command:

rsync -options /mnt/mypool/mydata/.zfs/snapshot/$LATESTSNAP/ backup.ip.address:/path/to/sync/

UPDATE: If you want “seamless automation”, then you’d have to also include snapshot creation into your script, since I don’t believe the GUI can communicate to a custom script.

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Yeah, I have just written a shell script to accomplish this.

I just find the latest snapshot and rsync it everyday. And I added a twist on it by backing up 2 copies alternatively in case a problem arises while rsync’ing.


Do you mind sharing the script? :slightly_smiling_face:

You can filter/censor any identifiable names or strings.

EDIT: I personally would have no need for it, but I can definitely see its usefulness for non-ZFS / non-TrueNAS destinations.

(I’m familiar with being hit by the error “Files have changed!” during an rsync run. :fearful: )

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Here is my script.
(Edited: please skip this. A better version is listed below.)


# rsync the latest snapshot via rsync daemon

# settings
# the directory to be backed up

# the destination protocol
# the destination user
# the destination host
# the destination port
# the module and path on the host
# the password file

# the log directory
# the log file name
# number of days to keep log files

# the recipient of the email in case of error

# the process

# the prefix to snapshots

# the protocol, user host and port of the destination

# current date
ds=$(/bin/date +'%Y-%m-%d')
# current time
ts=$(/bin/date +'%H:%M:%S%:z')

# the log file name

# we keep 2 copies by appending a '0' or '1' to the destination alternatively every day.
d=$(date +%s)

# clean up old logs
/bin/find "$log_dir" -type f -mtime +$logs_keep_for_days -delete

# log the following output to $log_file
echo "===="
echo "destination: '$dest'"
echo "$ts rsync starts."

# find the latest snapshot
eval "files=($(/bin/ls -t --quoting-style=shell-always $target_parent_dir))"
if ((${#files[@]} <= 0)) ; then
	# no snapshot found
	/bin/echo "Error: There is no snapshot in '$target_parent_dir'."
	# send an email to notify the recipient
	/bin/printf "Backup '${dataset}' failed. No snapshot is found." | /bin/mail -s "Backup '${dataset}' failed for no snapshot found" "$recipient"
	exit 1

# latest snapshot found

# rsync
/bin/rsync -rlptDvx --delete --password-file="$dest_pw_file" "${target}/" "${dest_prefix}/${dest}"

# capture the exit code
# current time
ts=$(/bin/date +'%H:%M:%S%:z')

if [ $code -eq 0 ] ; then
	# backup succeeded without errors
	/bin/echo "$ts rsync done."
	exit 0

# backup failed
/bin/echo "$ts rsync failed with code $code."

# send an email to notify the recipient
/bin/printf "Backup '${dataset}' failed. Please consult '${log_file}' for details." | /bin/mail -s "Backup '${dataset}' failed" "$recipient"

# log to $log_file
} >> "$log_file" 2>&1

Prerequisites for running the script:

A few notes for fellows using this script:

  1. Adjust the setting variables from line 8 to 31 to fit your particular requirement.
  2. Fill the content of the password file assigned to the variable dest_pw_file on line 21 with the password of the user of the destination host assigned to the variable dest_user on line 13.
    It is the password of the user defined on the rsyncd daemon of the destination host, not the password of the system user of the destination host.
  3. It keeps an exact copy of the target, which means extra files and directories are deleted on the destination.
  4. It cannot keep the owners and group of the files and directories on the destination. They belong to the user connected to destination host instead.
    In order to keep the users and groups of the backup, the dest_user has to be root and change the rsync options on line 81 from ‘-rlptDvx’ to ‘-avx’ or ‘-rlptgoDvx’. For security reasons, I don’t recommend running root across network devices.
  5. Compress option of rsync fails frequently. That’s why I don’t enable it.
  6. As rsync traffic is unencrypted, only run this script in a trusted LAN or over VPN.
  7. It does not back up any external device linked. Remove x from the above options (4) in order to back up external devices mounted on the target.
  8. As it has to access the snapshot directory, the script has to be executed as root.
  9. Due to the fact that this script backs up 2 copies on alternative day, you need to create the destination directories for the variable dest_path on line 19. One with a character ‘0’ appended and another with ‘1’ appended.
    I.e. for the setting “dest_path=‘rocker_backup/docker’”, there should be 2 directories, “docker0” and “docker1” under the rocker_backup module directory.
  10. The directory assigned to the variable log_dir on line 24 has to exist before running the script.
  11. In regions with daylight saving policy, the cron job executing this script should be run once a day at 1 am or later (or whatever daylight saving advancement of your region runs). Otherwise you may end up backing up to the latest backup copy again on the day daylight saving becomes effective and standard time restore. In case anything goes wrong while backing up, the other intact copy is 2 days old.

There appears to be a “mistake” in the script at this section:

# find the latest snapshot
eval "files=($(/bin/ls -t --quoting-style=shell-always $target_parent_dir))"
if ((${#files[@]} <= 0)) ; then
	# no snapshot found
	/bin/echo "Error: There is no snapshot in '$target_parent_dir'."
	# send an email to notify the recipient
	/bin/printf "Backup '${dataset}' failed. No snapshot is found." | /bin/mail -s "Backup '${dataset}' failed for no snapshot found" "$recipient"
	exit 1

# latest snapshot found

From my understanding, you’re using ls to list the contents of the directory /mnt/<poolname>/<dataset>/.zfs/snapshot

This will not offer the latest snapshot if there are different naming schemas involved. For example, a mixture of snapshot names, such as “auto-”, “manual-”, “temporary-”, and “backup-”.

The safest bet is to use the zfs command itself, since by default it sorts the snapshots by their creation time. (This can also be explicitly invoked, or even in “reverse” order. If left alone, it presents the order from oldest to most recent.)

That’s why I suggested this example:

That will yield an output, such as:


EDIT: Using the -t flag does not always get around it. For example, here’s a sample of one of my dataset’s snapshots. Notice the modification date compared to the snapshot’s name, and hence, snapshot “creation time”?

Look at this sample. Notice the collisions?

Apr 28 14:23 auto-20240504.0000-6m
Apr 28 14:23 auto-20240511.0000-6m
Apr 16 19:55 auto-20240420.0000-6m
Apr 16 19:55 auto-20240427.0000-6m

Using your script, it would believe the “latest” snapshot is from May 4, 2024. When in reality, the latest snapshot is from May 11, 2024.

Yes, the snapshot are different, and there have been changes / new files between May 4 and May 11. It’s just that the root folder might not have had new files written to it directly, yet subfolders do indeed have new/modified files.


-t sort by time, newest first; see –time

Read my post again. I explained (adding to a post-edit) why using -t does not fix the underlying problem. :wink:

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Yes. The time in the list is of the snapshotted directory, not when the snapshot was made.

Bingo. That’s why the “proper” way to grab the latest snapshot (and to always be 100% correct) is to use zfs (against the dataset) instead of ls (against the hidden snapshot directory).

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Thank you. I have made some adjustments based on your suggestion.

(Edit: The following script has been updated on May 23, 2024.)
Change log

May 24, 2024

  • changed to encrypted transmission via ssh instead of rsyncd daemon mode

May 23, 2024

  • options for snapshot creation, removal and recursive added.
  • dataset is now looked up from zfs command. Manually set is not required.
  • a more robust of snapshot finding
  • the destination path will be created if not exists
  • snapshot is logged

May 22, 2024

  • more accurate of finding the latest snapshot
  • dataset required
  • dataset is logged

# rsync the latest snapshot via rsync daemon
# updated on 24 May 2024

# settings

# the rsync on destination

# the mount point of the dataset to be rsync'ed

# the destination ssh user
# dest ssh identity file. The default $HOME/.ssh/id files will be used if omitted or empty
# the destination host
# the module and path on the host

# the log directory
# the log file name
# number of days to keep log files

# the recipient of the email in case of error

# snapshot options
#	0 = use the latest snapshot without taking one
#	1 = take a snapshot before rsync
#	2 = remove the snapshot afterwards

# recursive snapshot?
#	0 = non recursive snapshot
#	1 - recursive snapshot

# the process

# the prefix to snapshots

# current date
ds=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')
# current time
ts=$(date +'%H:%M:%S%:z')

# the log file name

# seconds from epoch
d=$(date +%s)
# convert to days mod 2
# we keep 2 copies by appending a '0' or an '1' to the destination alternatively every day.

# clean up old logs
find "$log_dir" -type f -mtime +$logs_keep_for_days -delete

# log the following output to $log_file
echo "===="
# find the dataset
dataset=$(zfs list -H -o name "$target_mount_point")
if ((${#dataset} <= 0)) ; then
	echo "Error: '$target_mount_point' is not a dataset mount point."
	# send an email to notify the recipient
	printf "Backup '${dataset_mount_point}' failed. It is not a dataset mount point." | mail -s "Backup '${dataset_mount_point}' failed. It is not a dataset mount point." "$recipient"
	exit 5

ls "${target_mount_point}/.zfs" > /dev/null 2>&1
if (( $code != 0)) ; then
	echo "Error: '$target_mount_point' is not a dataset mount point."
	# send an email to notify the recipient
	printf "Backup '${dataset_mount_point}' failed. It is not a dataset mount point." | mail -s "Backup '${dataset_mount_point}' failed. It is not a dataset mount point." "$recipient"
	exit 5

echo "dataset: '$dataset'"
echo "destination: '$dest'"

# get the snapshot
if (( $snapshot_option >= 1 )) ; then
	# take a snapshot
	latest_snapshot="rsync-$(date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S_%Z')"
	(( $snapshot_recursive == 0 )) && rec= || rec='-r'
	echo "snapshot '${dataset}@${latest_snapshot}' creating..."
	zfs snapshot $rec "${dataset}@${latest_snapshot}"
	if (($code != 0)); then
		echo "snapshot '${dataset}@${latest_snapshot}' creation failed with code: $code."
		exit 3
	echo "snapshot '${dataset}@${latest_snapshot}' created."
	# use the latest snapshot
	latest_snapshot=$(zfs list -H -t snap -o name -s creation "$dataset" | tail -n 1 | sed 's#.*@\([^/]*\)$#\1#')
	if ((${#latest_snapshot} <= 0)) ; then
		# no snapshot found
		echo "Error: There is no snapshot of the dataset found."
		# send an email to notify the recipient
		printf "Backup '${dataset}' failed. No snapshot was found." | mail -s "Backup '${dataset}' failed for no snapshot found" "$recipient"
		exit 1

# latest snapshot found
# the ssh id argument
(( ${#dest_ssh_id_file} == 0 )) || id_arg="-i '$dest_ssh_id_file'"

echo "target: '$target'"
echo "$ts rsync starts."

# rsync
rsync -rlptDvx --delete -e "ssh $id_arg" --rsync-path="$rsync_path" "${target}/" "${dest_user}@${dest_host}:${dest}"

# capture the exit code
# current time
ts=$(date +'%H:%M:%S%:z')

if (( $code == 0 )) ; then
	# backup succeeded without errors
	if [ $snapshot_option -ge 2 ] ; then
		# remove the snapshot created
		echo "snapshot '${dataset}@${latest_snapshot}' removal..."
		zfs destroy "${dataset}@${latest_snapshot}"
		if (($code != 0)) ; then
			echo "snapshot '${dataset}@${latest_snapshot}' removal failed with code: $code."
			# send an email to notify the recipient
			printf "snapshot '${dataset}@${latest_snapshot}' removal failed with code: $code." | mail -s "Backup '${dataset}' snapshot removal failed" "$recipient"
			echo "snapshot '${dataset}@${latest_snapshot}' removed."
	echo "$ts rsync done."
	exit 0

# backup failed
echo "$ts rsync failed with code $code."

if [ $snapshot_option -ge 2 ] ; then
	# remove the snapshot created
	echo "snapshot '${dataset}@${latest_snapshot}' removal..."
	zfs destroy "${dataset}@${latest_snapshot}"
	if (($code != 0)) ; then
		echo "snapshot '${dataset}@${latest_snapshot}' removal failed with code: $code."
		echo "snapshot '${dataset}@${latest_snapshot}' removed."

# send an email to notify the recipient
printf "Backup '${dataset}' failed. Please consult '${log_file}' for details." | mail -s "Backup '${dataset}' failed" "$recipient"

exit 2
# log to $log_file
} 2>&1 | tee -a "$log_file"

Let us know if the script works!

I can definitely see some good use for this.

(Maybe after a few “successful” runs, you can be fairly confident it will continue to work as intended?)