Hello all
Following a complete rebuild of my “b” (truenas scale server), i keep getting the above errors and i really do not know what to look for.
Both server are identical with identical datasets names and structure, the identical ACLs
I log into trunas using admin and mu password. I tried to set the user for the rsync task as admin, root. and me to no avail
I had rsync running well with sshkey before the debacle.
I tried using Module,I tried using ssh and i get these errors
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the ED25519 key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /tmp/tmpr94n6o7w to get rid of this message.
Offending ED25519 key in /tmp/tmpr94n6o7w:3
remove with:
ssh-keygen -f “/tmp/tmpr94n6o7w” -R “”
Host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(231) [sender=3.2.7]
I looked a many youtube videos and i must be doing something incorrectly (i don’t know what)
Thank you in advance for any assistance it will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you Captain
Thank you for replying so quickly
I have always updates for truenas with the late3st version on both servers
I rebuilt my “b” server with 24.2.1 then updated to
I replaced my SSD on server B with a larger one 850 GB
I erased all datasets on server B and whipped all disk ( some had faults hence i did not include these in the new build). Now I have on server B 4 4tb hds
I did create new keys.
this did not work
I deleted from the users and from credentials all keys (so i think).
I made my default users and group for all datasets on both server to default uid as root and gid as root, i added myself and a user with full privileges (UID wbravin GID wheel).
I created new keys named rsync.
The remote login user is admin and its relative password.
the rsync uid is root
THe rsync task is with the key just created and UID root
On the B server the tasks are all created
I deleted all keys for all servers from all users
and i create new tasks on server A to rsync to server B using root as UID i get the errors mentioned here above.
BTW i also deleted all the ssh keys from both servers and tried again … no joy
I was not aware of this possibilities
in server a and on server b i did not see the offending key
While trying to do this on server B I discovered that i had additional issues with the certificate and keys /tmp/tmpr94n6o7w:3 of these servers
I cannot see any keys displayed it is blank
In addition I see that my keyboard is not set properly in this server
Therefore This afternoon (if i am still sober (we are piking grapes and we will have a feast @12:30))
I will be reinstalling truenas scale on server b paying attention to all the settings.
I will not be saving the current settings of server b and i will import the same dataset. Once this is all done i should only have the standard certificates added by truenas.
I will first attempt of doing the rsync via module (my prefered method)
If this does not work I will try to create new ssh keys (as there should not be any configured now)
1 During the first installation the installed did not create the proper certificated and no key.
2 During the initial installation i inadvertently chose the incorrect keyboard layout.
I reinstalled truenas scale paying much more attention to the steps.
Once up and running i added user (me) i set the ip address and loaded the datasets.
I created a backup task with rsync with the correct UID as they should be
and it working marvelously
I thank you very much for having the patience the help and for having taken time from your well deserved weekend to help me