RSync TrueNAS --> QNAP

Good evening!

I’m running TrueNAS 13 U6.1 and QNAP 5.1.6. I’ve followed the tutorials for running Rsync between the two machines. This tutorial specifically has been my starting point. I have gotten past most all of the failures and now I’m getting a new one. I can’t seem to figure out how to get past this new one. The failure is this, per the log:

The --password-file option may only be used when accessing rsync daemon
rsync error: syntax or usage (code 1) at main.c1555 [sender=3.2.7]

Every successful tutorial I have read tells me to include the “–password-file” option, but it seems my TrueNAS either doesn’t like it, or I’ve done it incorrectly. I searched this forum and the old now-read-only forum and didn’t see any follow-up to that particular error. If I have to, I can use the QNAP Active Sync. I’d rather now.

Any advise would be delightful. Cheers to you all!

the way i did it, i used hybrid backup sync, added the truenas server, used root credential ssh. test and it worked. proceeded to complete the job creation then ran it.

that was how i did it.

so if you just need to get a backup or restore working right now, i suggest you do it that way first for now.

as for the rsync via the truenas UI, you can then try getting that to work later.

suggest you create a test share for both qnap and truenas so you can experiment on those before trying on production shares/datasets, so you don’t accidentally make a serious mistake during the initial setup.

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truenas they have the rsync daemon app which allows for non encrypted rsync if not mistaken. You install that using the truenas app.

but the official truenas rsync inbuilt already into the UI must use ssh encrypted.

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There’s no more “built-in” Rsync service with SCALE. The only service that is “listening” (in regards to rsync transfers) is the SSH service. (Core and older versions of SCALE had both the daemon and SSH available on the server.)

Rsync (as a client) can initiate a transfer via the “rsync protocol” (unencrypted, no SSH required, requires a configured module on the other end) or the “ssh protocol” (if you can SSH into your server or use scp? Then you can use rsync over SSH.)


I’m on CORE still.

Thanks for this. Yeah… this is what I’m doing for now. I had wanted to avoid it, but the rsync and ssh is proving fickle for me, or at outside of my desire to be fiddly right now.

In the meanwhile I’m facing another issue that has nothing to do with TrueNAS. I have all 10G connections and gear but I’m not getting anything more than 1.5G, and that’s at a peak. I’m aggravated.

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that guide you linked me, said on qnap to enable rsync server.

then go back to truenas, add the login details for that. then it would work. i’ll try that when i’m free xd.

but if i recall correctly, you want both the qnap and the truenas to both have the same username and password. to make that work correctly.

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i moved on from truenas apps. i used jailmaker which they suggested not to use both apps and jailmaker and to just stick to one.

as such, is there a way to install that rsync daemon as a docker container in jailmaker docker? is that possible :thinking:

or is that just not worth doing, and just stick to what truenas has available in the ui for rsync?

Yep. I did literally all of that. All my t’s crossed and i’s dotted.

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Just a follow-up note on something I’ve noticed. It seems that this QNAP-native protocol itself is rather slow. When I move files between the two NAS units using SMB with an intermediary machine, all on 10G, the files fly. So the support for fast transfers is there. But when this protocol alone is running, it seems to like sitting around 1-1.5G. That’s kind of odd.

It also sort of puts me back at square one where I was some weeks ago: just connecting to both machines with SMB and using an intermediary unit (I call my network management console the ATC: Air Traffic Controller) to run backup software periodically.

I’m kicking myself for buying an ARM QNAP. Replication would be ideal, but I will never be able to put TrueNAS on it. Welp… at least I learned something.

What protocol?


Rsync, whether over the rsync protocol or SSH protocol, has to do more than if you were to simply copy files over SMB.

  • Encrypted stream (if it’s over SSH)
  • Full directory metadata crawl, from both sides, to compare differences
  • Checksummiing as files reach the destination (not ZFS-related, it’s own internal post-transfer checksum)

No no, not rsync. I was replying to @mooglestiltzkin who also resorted to using HBS3 which is a native app on the QNAP. It’s shockingly slow.

You’re right, of course, that most backup protocols are not going to take advantage of the fullest transfer speeds available for the exact reasons you stated. But this one has been, like, shameful. And it’s not even doing as much work as rsync would.

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I do own some of the arm qnap models, but i don’t use them.

Mine is the more performant ryzen cpu model the ts-877 so i can do a lot more with it.

i even have the ts-253d and the ts-653a which use the intel cpus (not the really high end ones but at least better than arm in performance).

rtrr only works between 2 qnap nas running qts/quts hero.

rsync will work from qnap to another non qnap, so you will want to use that.

with the qnap arm models performance is indeed bad… this is what happens when you low ball for that unfortunately. not worth it.

the bare minimum these days would be something similar to a ts-x53d series (has an intel cpu and pcie expansion slots with 2.5gbe ports) or better. Or you can go none qnap and purchase the parts for a DIY build for truenas right out the bat, i think this is the better option. Use pcpartpicker website to use other peoples part suggestions if you don’t know what to get. And if you don’t know how to put the parts together, you can send it to the IT shop and pay someone to do it for you :saluting_face:

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At the end of the day this QNAP is going to be sitting offsite just gulping data once a month. Once I get a solid initial backup onsite, it’s going to a remote office where it will sit on a VPN and take monthly incrementals. So it doesn’t need to be a rock star. I was just hoping to get that initial backup completed more quickly. I honestly didn’t even know about ARM until this week. I just bought the unit under certain assumptions. Like I said, it was a learning experience. Our production machine is, of course, much better.

fair enough. yeah the backup doesn’t need to be the best. i just assumed you were using it for your main driver xd my bad. i would recommend checking the reviews (the unbiased ones) prior to purchase. that’s what i do these days.

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Yeah, I checked a few. But I think the reviews I read were either fabricated reviews or reviews from folks who didn’t really need performance. I honestly had NO idea that a unit could run on an ARM chip like a cell phone. I mean, it was plain as day in the copywriting. I just sort of glossed over it. It was so new to my eyes, I thought it was just a name or something. Mercy. Honestly, sometimes my brain works faster than the facts in front of it.

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Where did you get that advice? I don’t see a reason why you can’t use both at the same time.

i can’t recall. might have been the official jailmaker guide or somewhere else. but that what i read they suggest you do. but since you think it’s fine i guess it is

i think here


There used to be a warning not to do so in the SCALE docs, but since then someone at iX (Kris Moore, IIRC) posted that it shouldn’t really be a problem. Too lazy on a Saturday morning to hunt for that post… :wink:

Anyway, I found out that all my needs are perfectly satisfied by jailmaker: I’m currently running separate jails for Samba AD DC, Docker and Tailscale on many customers, and they are stable and easy on the server’s resources.

Edit: found it (so much for my laziness, heh) at the original thread, a couple posts after mine, and from Kris Moore indeed: “Most users may not hit any issues. We just have to put a precaution there so that users know to pay attention and don’t try to reserve same ports in both, over commit resources, that kind of thing.”


Could you update your post in the jailmaker thread? It’s the 3rd post in the thread so easy to find. My goal with jailmaker is that it should be possible to run it alongside Apps, if you’d want to.