Safe to use pool with offline drive?

I have a raidz1 array of 3 drives. One of the drives had offline sectors, so I am sending it off to get a new one. However, I noticed that my pool is still working perfectly fine, read and write. I presume it’s running on the parity now? Is it safe to use like this while I wait for my new drive to arrive?

The problem is if you have a single sector failure, the contents of that sector will be lost forever.

I would personally run out and buy a replacement drive immediately, and I would’ve used it to replace the drive with a pending sector before RMAing the failing drive.

Because I don’t like to do the above, is why I use Raidz2, in which case it’s generally fine to remove a disk and send it to the manufacturer, and I would only immediately acquire a replacement if another disk in the VDev started failing.

Okay I see. The other drives are healthy, no problems in the SMART results. I presume it is incredibly unlikely that another drive will die?

If edited as above, I’d agree. It isn’t a great likelihood, but it also isn’t nonexistent or astronomically unlikely. Advance exchange is a good thing, as is having a burned-in spare already on hand.

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Ok thanks