Setting up Frigate NVR using jlmkr


so I just followed this tutorial and set up jlmkr, dockge and jellyfin.
Now I want to get Frigate running. I want to create a new jlmkr jail
and set up Frigate there. If possible, I would like to omit dockge and
any other layers entirely - I want it to be as close to the host as possible
(easier to pass through devices, eg. GPU, Google Coral).
There is a docker compose installation of frigate and there is some
talk about docker in the jlmkr github (not dockge) but I just don’t know
how to set it up.

My Specs:
AMD Ryzen 7 7700
4x4TB RAIDZ1 Pool


Well, just skip installing Dockge if you want.

You can manually manage compose in the /opt/stacks directory. Or any directory.

Or skip that too and just have a frigate directory with a docker-compose.yml file in it, then cd to that directory and run docker compose up -d

I would recommend bind mounting your frigate data and config/stack so that the jail itself is disposable.

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The difference is insane - this works so much better than the HomeAssistant add-on
I was running previously! It’s not that the HA add-on is bad or anything; it’s just that my
setup was janky at best. I was running TrueNAS Core, a Ubuntu VM, and in there a
Home Assistant VM. It was super hard even to get that working, and even when it finally worked, the speed was anything but representative of my setup’s capabilities.

Now, after moving to jlmkr (docker), everything works like a charm! I finally don’t get the ‘no frames received’ screen, and it’s running at the full 5fps detection speed!
I haven’t tested the Google Coral yet, but the compose seems to have an option for that.

Anyways, the whole setup looked like this:

  • I started with the docker template from @Stux’s tutorial (with the bridge setup)
  • I created a frigate/config and frigate/data and `bind-mount’ed it to
  • /mnt/frigate/config and /media/frigate respectively
  • I set up a static IP like in @Stux’s tutorial
  • Then I set up the docker-compose.yml and config.yml using the templates from the frigate website
  • Then I ran `docker compose up -d’, and it worked!

Thanks, @Stux, for the help, and I hope someone finds this useful

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Does frigate work correctly in the jail? I see that issue #7775 on the Github says there can be some issues with loading PCIe devices, did you experience any of that or did the jail make things as simple as possible? I know you mentioned you hadn’t tried integrating the coral TPU yet, but if you have by now, does it all work correctly?