maybe someone can help me to find whats wrong with my setup.
My general samba config is “very old” and not changed the last … I don’t know maybe 10 years.
With Windows works all perfect, but now I habe some Macs and would like to set up Time Machien to create backups on my TrueNAS Box.
All time I try to set up Time Machien I receive on my Mac error like “not all features are supported on this destination”. (Later I can post screenshot - but it’s in German)
My TrueNAS and all Windows and Macs are members Windows 2019 AD Domain (I have Windows Server 2019 Box as domain controller). So all Users and Groups are domain Users/ Groups.
Here is my General Setion from Samba config
# Global parameters
ads dns update = No
allow trusted domains = No
bind interfaces only = Yes
client ldap sasl wrapping = seal
disable spoolss = Yes
dns proxy = No
domain master = No
enable web service discovery = Yes
kerberos method = secrets and keytab
kernel change notify = No
load printers = No
local master = No
logging = syslog@0 file
max log size = 5120
netbios aliases = mynas001
nsupdate command = /usr/local/bin/samba-nsupdate -g
preferred master = No
realm = RJAP.DE
registry shares = Yes
restrict anonymous = 2
security = ADS
server multi channel support = No
server role = member server
server string = My NAS
template homedir = /mnt/zpool01/home/%U
template shell = /bin/sh
unix extensions = No
winbind cache time = 7200
winbind enum groups = Yes
winbind enum users = Yes
winbind max domain connections = 20
winbind nss info = rfc2307
winbind use default domain = Yes
workgroup = RJAP
idmap config *: range = 90000001-100000000
idmap config rjap: range = 20000-90000000
idmap config rjap: backend = rid
fruit:nfs_aces = No
rpc_server:mdssvc = disabled
rpc_daemon:mdssd = disabled
idmap config * : backend = tdb
aio write behind = yes
directory name cache size = 0
dos filemode = Yes
kernel oplocks = Yes
veto oplock files = /*.doc/*.DOC/*.docx/*.DOCX/*.docm/*.DOCM/*.dotm/*.DOTM/*.xltm/*.XLTM/*.xltx/*.XLTX/*.xlsx/*.XLSX/*.xlsm/*.XLSM/*.xlsb/*.XLSB/*.xls/*.XLS/*.ppt/*.PPT/*.pst/*.PST/*.mdb/*.MDB/*.ldb/*.LDB/*.vsd/*.VSD/*.mpp/*.MPP/*.qbw/*.QBW/*.qbb/*.QBB/*.qbI/*.qbl/*.dxf/*.DXF/*.dwg/*.DWG/*.cdr/*.CDR/*.bak/*.BAK/*.ord/*.xlo/*.igs/*.ipt/*.ipj/*.slp/*.stp/*.opt/*.xli/*.stl/*.cur/*.sjb/*.log/*.LOG/*.sbs/*.iam/*.idv/*.pcbdoc/*.PcbDoc/*.PCBDOC/*.dbf/*.DBF/*.cdx/*.CDX/*.mrimg/*.MRIMG/*.tmp/*.TMP/*.imd5/*.IMD5/*.db/*.DB
And here part of the new share definition I have created yesterday.
(First I have created a new dataset for SMB, and than this new share)
[mymini001 Time Machine]
ea support = No
kernel oplocks = No
kernel share modes = No
mangled names = no
path = /mnt/zpool02/backup/mymini001 Time Machine
posix locking = No
read only = No
smbd max xattr size = 2097152
vfs objects = fruit streams_xattr
fruit:locking = none
fruit:time machine = yes
fruit:resource = stream
fruit:metadata = stream
fruit:encoding = native
nfs4:chown = true
ixnas:dosattrib_xattr = false
Ideas whats wron or better how to resolve it?`