Sharing Local Files with Nextcloud

I’m running Truenas Scale 24.10.0 with Nextcloud 30(the most current version available in Truenas). What I want to do is put my file repository on Truenas which is no problem. I then also want to share that on Nextcloud. The ways I see to do it are with Samba and NFS but I can’t get those to work. The Local option appears to want the directory in Nextcloud’s mnt directory. There’s no more option to build the Nextcloud app with smbclient anymore and there’s no NFS option in for External Storage in Nextcloud. I was successful with using the Nextcloud app on my computer but that requires to double up my data storage which I don’t like. I’ve worked on this for the past couple of days including installing the most current previous Truenas version 23 and can’t get anything to work, any ideas?

The latest version available from Truenas (App Version: 30.0.1, Version: 1.4.5) allows you to add the smbclient to the deployment under the APT Packages section. Mine by default was set at ffmpeg but clicking the “Add” button allows you to add smbclient and ocrmypdf to the Nextcloud docker deployment.

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If you add another storage volume, click Add to the right of Additional Storage, you can select the option to create an SMB share/storage volume.

I don’t think we have an NFS option, just the SMB share option.

If you look at the Host Path bullet point in the Section Content it describes the SMB storage option in this article.

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That worked for me! Thank you.

I always thought they took it out for some reason but it’s been there this whole time. What does APT stand for anyways?

I’m not entirely certain but I believe it refers to the package installer in the docker container using “apt” similar to an Debian/Ubuntu system to install the additional packages.

Ah, that does make sense.

@bella, thanks for that! i didn’t even know that option was there.

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