Generally speaking, the best way to access your media remotely would be to use a media server, like Plex, Emby, or Jellyfin. With Plex specifically, I know there are apps for macOS, Windows, iOS, and Android, but I don’t know about smart watches.
Does the smartwatch’s OS “app store” have a “File Explorer” (or something similar) available?
It might also be possible to just browse your server’s SMB shares with a simple file browser on the watch.
This is what I do with my Android and iOS devices to play music from my TrueNAS server. Such “file browser” apps usually have built-in music and video players. If it works for smartphones, I would assume such apps are available for smartwatches.
Again, bit outside of my tech knowledge here. I was halfway hoping to see if anyone on TrueNAS forums also has a garmin watch and managed to set this stuff up too.
Initially i was using VLC with a simple shared SMB folder, i tried Plex… but honestly i wasn’t very satisfed of those solution.
Searching for a good music server/streamer to host in my TN, i found Navidrome: well, Is pretty easy to install in a jail, he Is really easy to use, and
you can run It through any browser or app in your device ( app must have only subsonic-api support, like ultrasonic on android).
For access music outside my net (and not exposing anything) i have setup a Wireguard jail for VPN (pretty easy too with the community resource)