SMB share with separate credentials

I created a new dataset in my zpool. I made an SMB share pointing to /mnt/zroot/<new-dataset>.

All the other datasets and their respective SMB shares are accessible from a Windows client using <user1> and <password1>.

I have created <user2> with <password2>. I have set permissions on the new dataset to make the user ‘root’ and the group <group-with-same-name-as-user2>.

@owner has Full Control. @group has Full Control.

I browse to my TrueNAS in Windows, right-click on the new share, choose ‘Map Network Drive’, assign it a letter, and check off the ‘Connect using different credentials’ option.
It pops up a prompt for credentials but will not accept <user2> and <password2>.

Am I skipping some steps? Do I have to make edits in Sharing –> Windows Shares (SMB) –> <new-share-name>?

EDIT: Now I’m noticing when I browse to \\<TrueNAS-hostname>\<new-dataset>, it just lets me read but not write. I have no option to specify different credentials though.

Have you double checked your user2 has samba authentication enabled?

You’re new dataset may be inheriting some weird ACL stuff from zroot?


Now I’m noticing when I browse to \\<TrueNAS-hostname>\<new-dataset>, it just lets me read but not write. I have no option to specify different credentials though.

Are you logging in from the same PC… or a different client?

Same PC as I have been using to access all the other SMB shares with the credentials.

But funny you should mention. I am setting up this specific dataset and SMB share for a scanner that can save PDFs to a Network Folder. And the client in the scanner connects no problem with the credentials.

I am setting up this specific dataset and SMB share for a scanner that can save PDFs to a Network Folder. What’s strange is the client in the scanner connects no problem with the <username2> credentials.

SMB clients may assume a single user and set of credentials. I haven’t tried to connect as multiple personalities.