I am using ZFS replication. There is a ZVol that for my truenas running in the VM holding the pool (empty at the moment) called “main”.
the import sees a valid pool on the Zvol associated with the VM and lists it.
It has to have the exact same ID because the ID is in the ZVol and the Zvol is replicated bit by bit because ZFS isn’t supposed to know what is inside.
correct. this is just for seeing if I can do it, creating a truenas I can muck with without worry about losing anything, testing untested scripts written by LLMs, etc.
It works and is reliable, just as expected.
Note that it SHOULD be safe and so it is a good “stress test” of robustness.
AFAIK, there should be no reason at all why truenas should fail under this scenario if everything works as advertised.
these are pool replicas on my backup disks using full file replication of the pool to the backup disk. That’s what it is seeing: the pool, not the zvols.