Sonarr v4 Startup

Hi there, following on from this previous post SOLVED - [PSA] Sonarr v4 Upgrade in a Jail | TrueNAS Community

I’ve not been able to get Sonarr to start up on its own under 13.3. It’s not possible for me to install a 13.2 jail (as was everyone else’s solution) because it does not exist

13.2-RELEASE was not found!

I know my Sonarr config is correct because I can manually start it up with
/usr/local/share/sonarr/bin/Sonarr --data=/usr/local/sonarr --nobrowser

And it then runs fine, but it won’t run as a service with the RC.d setup

Any ideas?

What is your TrueNAS version?

FreeBSD 13.2 is EOL, and FreeBSD 13.3 jails don’t work properly under FreeBSD 13.[0-2]. The only real option to do this under CORE–and it isn’t a good one–is to run CORE 13.3-BETA. Or move to SCALE, and deal with whatever iX is going to do with their apps.

I’ve been running the 13.3 BETA for a while now without any issues.

Isn’t there a way I can just force the app to run on jail startup? It seems to be running perfectly, despite the fact the service scripts can’t start it, and the fact it’s running in console mode, and the fact it’s running as root :smiley: but other than that, it’s great.

That’s exactly what service scripts are for.

I’d recommend updating to the 13.3-BETA, as it seems stable enough.

I got same problem on some of my jails: manually run service works, despite fail on startup.
Tryng debugging, i add a log retention, like

>> /var/log/my_service.log

On the start function… and this fix everything :face_with_spiral_eyes:.
Don’t ask me why, i don’t know… But give It a try

When you look at your console messages after you try starting the service, are you seeing something about “exited on signal 12” like this?

Jul 30 22:30:04 mittsume kernel: pid 29034 (daemon), jid 32, uid 0: exited on signal 12

Any chance you can share the specific details of what you did to get it working?

I can’t be more specific, i don’t know hows do you configure your jail, but is pretty simple: in your startup script add the line i mentioned… It solve for me

Can you share your startup script so I can see where you changed it?

this was one of autorun script what i was talking about

# PROVIDE: gotenberg
# KEYWORD: shutdown

. /etc/rc.subr


export CHROMIUM_BIN_PATH="/usr/local/bin/chrome"
export EXIFTOOL_BIN_PATH="/usr/local/bin/exiftool"
export LIBREOFFICE_BIN_PATH="/usr/local/bin/soffice"
export PDFTK_BIN_PATH="/usr/local/bin/pdftk"
export QPDF_BIN_PATH="/usr/local/bin/qpdf"
export UNOCONV_BIN_PATH="/usr/local/bin/unoconv"
#export UNOCONVERTER_BIN_PATH="/usr/local/bin/unoconv"
#export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket"

gotenberg_start() {
    echo "Starting ${name}..."
    cd /root/gotenberg-7.4.2
    ./gotenberg >> /var/log/gotenberg.log 2>&1 &
    echo $! > /var/run/${name}.pid
gotenberg_stop() {
    echo "Stopping ${name}..."
    if [ -f /var/run/${name}.pid ]; then
        kill "$(cat /var/run/${name}.pid)" && rm -f /var/run/${name}.pid
        echo "${name} is not running."

load_rc_config $name
run_rc_command "$1"

on the gotenberg_start()
./gotenberg & not working
./gotenberg >> /var/log/gotenberg.log 2>&1 & wokring

im a newbie, don’t know why and how can be correlate. Discovered only trying to debug the fail autostart

Found some other way of getting it all working.

Here are the steps to install Sonarr v4 on TrueNas 13.2
(change media2 to whatever user you want to be using)

iocage fetch --root-dir /pub/FreeBSD-Archive/old-releases/amd64/ --server
echo '{"pkgs":["sonarr"]}' > /tmp/pkg.json
iocage create -n "sonarr4" -p /tmp/pkg.json -r 13.2-RELEASE dhcp="on" vnet="on" allow_raw_sockets="1" allow_mlock=1 boot="on" bpf="yes"
rm /tmp/pkg.json
iocage exec sonarr4 mkdir -p /config
iocage exec sonarr4 "pw useradd -n media2 -u 816 -d /nonexistent -s /usr/sbin/nologin"
iocage exec sonarr4 id media2
iocage exec sonarr4  "pw group mod wheel -m media2"
iocage exec sonarr4 chown -R media2:wheel /usr/local/share/sonarr /config
iocage exec sonarr4 chown media2:wheel /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sonarr
iocage exec sonarr4 chmod u+x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sonarr
iocage exec sonarr4 sysrc "sonarr_enable=YES"
iocage exec sonarr4 sysrc "sonarr_user=media2"
iocage exec sonarr4 sysrc "sonarr_data_dir=/config"
iocage exec sonarr4 service sonarr start
iocage exec sonarr4 service sonarr status

Check running with PID
Browse to your http://your-ip:8989/

The “some other way” is still using an EOL version of the jail. You should update your host to 13.3, then use 13.3 (and even now 13.4) jails.

I upgraded to Truenas 13.3-U1 and still cannot get sonarr to run in a jail. The service says it is running but the webui doesn’t work

Did you set “allow_mlock” in the jail?

Nope. Just set mlock and the issue is resolved. Thank you so much.