SPICE RDP workaround... not working

I’m testing out Truenas Scale at the moment on a spare machine. I have most things set up the way I want and for the most part it’s working well.

However, the VM situation is proving to be a huge pain and I’m hoping someone might have some helpful insight to share with me.

Primarily, SPICE, at least for me, sucks. The old VNC version that was being used before was far superior. That said, it seemed like there were options to avoid SPICE. It’d be convenient if I could simply just pop up a display and off we go, but I figured I could workaround it by using RDP.


Apparently if the sessions expires in RDP and the VM goes to a lock screen (in my case ubuntu 22.04) RDP is kicked out completely until I relog back into TrueNAS, start the Spice display, and login. Only then will the RDP work again. Whereas, before, the VM was always available and accessible via RDP and I could rejoin the vm via RDP and get to the login/lock screen.

Does anyone have any idea or better workaround to solve this?

Thank you!

Yeah Spice is a pita… since the announcement of the k3s depreciation i’ve set up a vm with ubuntu server to play around with docker before giving up and switiching to a docker jail because it uses less resources.
My workaround was spice viewer for windows. It’s a very simple small program which, for some reason doesn’t suck like the build in version.

I may have answered my own question. Turns out it’s an issue with Ubuntu 22.04 and requires one to install GNOME Shell Extension Manager and enable Allow Locked Remote Desktop.

This was what I found that seems to have solved this issue for me.


Primarily my VM use will be isolated to mostly Ubuntu and maybe other linux VMs with which I should be able to use RDP to get to most of the functionality I require.

However, I did try to find the Spice viewer for windows, but either I got the wrong program or couldn’t figure out what exe to run to get it to configure. I ended up installing virt-viewer or something like that from the Spice documentation page.

I assume that is what you used?

virt-viewer would be correct for Windows, should be flawless. Same idea as a vnc “viewer”. On linux, remmina works well.