Storage layout + design

Via another topic/post, I learned recently that I may have been abusing DataSets simply because it was easy to create them in the mgmt interface.

I don’t see this in the docs but is anyone aware of any resources (ex: blog?) for prescriptive advice as to storage design + layout with TrueNAS? Some folks might ask a similar question and use the phrase “best practices”. I will not because I loathe that term. :wink:


There are lot of discussions on the old forum about that topic. But it really depends on your use case.
In general it is advised against creating shares at the pool level. No stripes of single discs. Striped mirrors for performance and easy expandability.
Raidz2 seems to be ok for up to 10 discs. Above that raidz3.
Also raidz1 is not seen as redundant enough anymore, especially with large discs, as you have the risk of a another disc failing while resilvering.
Also if possible buy your discs from different vedors, so do dont end up with a bad batch and set up regular s.m.a.r.t. tests.

Data is treated differently? Different datasets.

That sounds vague, and it sort of is, because everyone’s situation is different. It’s up to you to figure out what data will be treated differently and how.

Some examples:

  1. Different snapshot schedules
  2. Different compression
  3. Different backup strategy
  4. Different owners
  5. Separate datasets per year to ease maintenance activities that involve moving things around, so that you don’t have to deal with all your data at once
  6. Etc…

There is no technical limit, you just have to manage things to give you enough flexibility without creating a monstrous administrative burden.

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Yes. It would be amazing if there were someone out there who had collected a set of wisdom + heuristics on this topic. It’s the kind of thing I do in my day job but my area of expertise is so far from storage topics that I wouldn’t even attempt the task. Not to mention that I’m just getting started with TrueNAS.

I mean, you’re storing something. Surely you have a general idea of what that something is? From there, you just have to decide where to draw the line(s).