Strange network behavior

Hello all.
So, I´m new to TN, migrating today one server from Unraid…
I have this machine with both ethernet and thunderbolt connections to my macBook, setup in different subnet masks, so both connect ok, on different IP addresses of course.
The strange part is that I connect the nas share on the MacBook using the thunderbolt IP…but when transferring files to this share, the TrueNAS dashboard shows it’s using the ethernet connection…
Got me really lost here…what am I missing here…


…but both addresses are in the same subnet. Different masks don’t matter if the addresses are still in the same subnet.

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No…one is /24 and the other /16…right?

I tried disconnecting the Ethernet cable…and the files transmission continued. Still shown as if it was through de disconnected cable, when it’s obviously doing it on the TB connection…so it’s just a bug on the widget or something in the system I guess… it also does not let me change the dynamic IP of the Ethernet interface to a static on, tells me “ is occupied” when I’m trying to change it to something else…maybe it’s all related…?

And not supported.

Basically both sub-nets overlap, and normal IP routing on Unix uses the lower numbered IP for outbound traffic. (But, it could be exact opposite… that is why 2 NICs in the same sub-net are not supported outside of LAGG / LACP.)

Of course 2 IPs in the same sub-net ARE supported, with the caveat that they are generally configured on the same NIC, (aka Network Interface Chip / Card).

Solaris is the only Unix I know that does what you want properly, IF the 2, (or more), NICs are configured in a IPMP, (Internet Protocol Multi-Pathing), group.

The old forum's resource below summed it up;

Again not supported. If you have more than 1 NIC / IP, generally you need static on everything.

I don’t have the details, but my limited understanding is that you can end up with 2 DHCP supplied default routers, which can create irregular / non-deterministic network traffic.

Well…I’m really not a Linux wizard, so I’m having a bit of a hard time making sense of it all…but I’ll do eventually (I hope). The thunderbolt connection I setup from the beginning as static, and it’s working well…the Ethernet is the one I can’t change to static…I’m considering deleting it and recreate from scratch, but I’m a bit afraid of the possible consequences…this Ethernet is a 2.5gbe, the machine still has a 10gbe one waiting my infrastructure to grow, which according to what you said can make my life even worse…rsrs :grin:

You might want to make sure your console, (aka local keyboard & video), to your TrueNAS server is functional. That is how to fix network issues where you can’t fix them from the Web GUI.

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/16 means the subnet is defined by the first 16 bits, ie two octets, ie 192.168

Notice both ips share the same first two bytes.

Ergo the /24 is inside the /16 and traffic can be sent out however the kernel figures it wants too.

Perhaps use 192.168.x.y/24 on the thunderbolt, where x is not 0?

I’ll study that, thanks. But the fact that I disconnected the Ethernet cable and the data kept flowing tells me that the dashboard is reporting wrong, right? And peak speeds are over 380 mb/s which I wouldn’t expect from 2.5gbe…


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Yep! Likely a bug in the interface…will report it…


Irrespective of the answer, note that Thunderbolt is not officially supported. While it apears to work now, it may break at any time.

I understand that…but the fact that it does work makes me so happy, that I want to believe it will keep going…Having peaks over 2gigs/s for photo&video transmission is a blessing…I tried OMV and Unraid before this, and couldn´t make it work properly for many reasons…now it just does…a man can have his dreams!
Now, I understand that the NAS community has some resistance to local attached stuff for…some reason…yeah, NASs are supposed to be network centric, I totally get it, and many people live their machines on the basement, and that´s awesome, but supporting more local stuff just enhances the functionality. Honestly, for photo&video editors TB is way better then 10gbe…
That´s not without a reason that newer commercial NAS are all coming with TB ports…

I agree with this.

And if there are two TB/USB4 ports it can make a pretty good solution for two people to share a directly attached NAS :wink:

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Now, fingers crossed!
PS:TrueNAS is sensational…

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Oh, and just for the record now that I setup the connection via IPV6, it connecting faster and the widget is showing the right connection…

Captura de Tela 2024-09-03 às 19.46.52


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