Syncthing permission denied

Hello everybody
I’m setting up Truenas in a small office to backup documents from users’ stations, I installed the Syncthing app to synchronize documents from Windows stations with shared folders on the Truenas server.
I configured sharing in ACL Editor like this:
Where the user: ti, in the group: ti, may Read | Write | Execute, the folder /mnt/Arquivos_Princesa/BKP/ti

ACL Editor
Path: /mnt/Arquivos_Princesa/BKP/ti
Owner: ti Owner Group: ti
Access Control List
User Obj – ti Read | Write | Execute
User – apps Read | Write | Execute
User – ti Read | Write | Execute
Group Obj – ti Read | Write | Execute
Group – ti Read | Write | Execute
Mask Read | Write | Execute
Other None
User Obj – default – ti Read | Write | Execute
User – default – ti Read | Write | Execute
Group Obj – default – ti Read | Write | Execute
Group – default – ti Read | Write | Execute
Mask – default Read | Write | Execute
Other – default None

And I configured App Syncthing like this:

Application Name
Syncthing Configuration
Additional Environment Variables
No items have been added yet.
User and Group Configuration
User ID: 3002
Group ID: 3000
Advanced Pod Configuration
Advanced DNS Configuration
DNS Options
No items have been added yet.
Network Configuration
Web Port: 20910
TCP Port: 20978
UDP Port: 20979
( ) Host Network
Storage Configuration
Type: Host Path (Path that already exists on the system)
Host Path Config
(X) Enable ACL
ACL Configuration
Host Path: /mnt/Arquivos_Princesa/BKP/ti
Entradas ACL Add

ID Type: Entry is for a USER
ID: 3002
Access: FULL_CONTROL Access
ACL Options
(X) Force Flag
Additional Storage: No items have been added yet.
Resources Configuration
CPU: 4000m
Memory: 8Gi

But when accessing “” and adding folder, I only get the response:
“Failed to create folder root directory mkdir /mnt/Arquivos_Princesa: permission denied”
“Error on folder “Documentos” (hg3z7-acsui): folder path missing”

Can anyone give me a tip on where I’m going wrong?
Or if something is missing from configuring?