I’m not new to cron, at least in normal distro where I can handle it, but here in trueNAS Scale 24.04 I’m having some difficulties with the web UI.
For some reasons my NAS is allowed to run all the manitenance tasks only during the week-ends, and that mean exactly from Fri @ 22:00 up to Mon @ 04:00.
This time slot cannot be changed.
Now, I saw the scrub and smart tasks scheduler in TN Scale and it’s okay if you wish run a task e.g. every week, day, etc.
But what if one need to run a task every second week, on a specifc week-end day only?
After digging the forums (here and on the 'net) the only solution I found is to use the day numbers (1-30) to adapt in someways the task scheduler to this, but as you know the day numbering do not match the weekday naming…
Possibly I would stay on very simple solution, without rooting and wildly modify cron .conf files (I’m not the only maintainer of the system).
If someone has any kind of suggestion I will appreciate the hint.