Anyone have a template to monitore a Truenas?

Not familiar with Zabbix - I monitor with Observium. “Just works”.
What specifically does a template in Zabbix do?

Basically, they take information from the equipment through scripts that run from time to time via SNMP or zabbix Agent and return this data, it depends a lot on each system for each system

In Observium I just say public@hostname and fire away. All relevant information is pulled in.

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What’s wrong with the official one?


It was for

  • TrueNAS CORE 12.0-U8
  • TrueNAS CORE 13.0-U5.3
    I use SCALE version

Is this template normally usable for TRUENAS SCALE?

It probably would have been helpful if you’d mentioned that in your OP, then. I don’t know if it works with SCALE, but I’d kind of expect so. Why not try it and see?

Ah yes, sorry, how can I give a description like the one below your comment?

I’m going to test how the template works with truenas Scale and I’ll post it on the forum later

There seems to be a zabbix template adapted for scale at GitHub - tr1plus/zabbix_truenas_SCALE_snmp: Zabbix monitoring template for truenas scale 22.12.1 & higher, however it somewhat limited due to missing support for a couple of snmp oids for getting pool size information. There is an active feature request to add support for these.