Testing out scale, cant figure test app adguard's ip?

So i have brought another server so i can test out scale while not disturbing my working core.

On core all my apps that need separate IPs like Nextcloud and AdGuard are assigned different LAN IPs but I can’t even get AdGuard to do this?

I can’t tell my router to redirect the DNS to the same IP as TrueNAS and it does not allow a IP:port, just an IP.

I need to set different IPs for many apps.

I have searched and read, but I don’t understand a lot of it.

I have tried creating a new interface bridge, but I can’t see how to tell AdGuard to use that bridge?

i have a second network IP

But there is nothing obvious to tell adguard to use it?

I suspect just pointing my router’s DNS to the TrueNAS server would probably work but that’s not the point. I have other apps to install like Nextcloud, torrent apps, Jellyfin & Plex, etc. Some of them have to be allowed external access but definitely not the TrueNAS server itself.


This makes no sense, there are no settings like this.

TrueNAS Scale App IPs

To assign a static IP to a TrueNAS Scale app, follow these steps:

    Advanced Settings: Go to the Apps page, click on the three dots next to the app you want to configure, and select “Settings”. Then, click on “Advanced Settings”.
    Node IP: In the Advanced Settings page, scroll down to the “Kubernetes” section and set the “Node IP” to This will allow you to select a specific IP address for the app.
    IP Selection: Below the Node IP setting, you’ll see a dropdown menu with available IP addresses. Select the desired IP address from your network, including the Zerotier IP if you’re using a VPN.
    App Configuration: Edit the app’s configuration (e.g., Nextcloud) and update the “Host” or “Server” IP address to match the static IP you selected in step 3.

metallb ?? truecharts ?

TrueNAS Scale Static IP for Applications

Look for the metallb in the truecharts app list. You’ll need to disable the k8s load balancer in conjunction with enabling metallb. This will give you local IPs. 


Kubernetes , ?

I am lost.

Not an option.

In all that text and your many edits, you haven’t managed to mention which version of SCALE you’re using. Assuming you’re using 24.10, iX radically redesigned the apps system, so any posts or documentation before last month will lead you astray. As of this time, AFAIK, there is no way to set individual IPs for your apps, just as there was no way to do this with the official iX apps under 24.04 and earlier. And it’s highly unlikely that you need it in any event.

Hi thx,

O sorry yea i just installed whatever was presented as the current download on the main trunas scale page yesterday (ElectricEel-

So i just set all my port forwarding and virtual servers in my router that would normally point to the individual IP’s to just the truenas IP?

Is this not a security risk?

I dont know, i only know just enough to get by.


or not even that, i suppose i would remove all that and everything is just all on the same ip, no need for any redirection or forwarding. (except for the single ip, the server)

The typical way you’d deal with any web-based applications is to put them behind a reverse proxy like Traefik or Nginx Proxy Manager and have that handle TLS termination, access control, possibly authentication, certificate issuance/renewal, and other such tasks, as well as dealing with all the wacky ports the apps use by default. Then forward 80/443 to that reverse proxy.

This guide doesn’t exactly address this scenario, but covers much of it:

o, o dear,

I have tried a couple of time to use reverse proxies but failed both times.

So looks like i shall be setting everything on the same ip, just the ports being different.

What risk is this?

Well, first, you aren’t going to have HTTPS enabled on those apps, so all your data (including login credentials) will be in cleartext over the Internet. Second, any security vulnerabilities in any of your apps potentially expose your entire network.

I’d suggest it’d be worth your effort to figure out how to make them work.

Of course you are right, i should take another look.

It’s just that I brought a second server to “upgrade” TrueNAS to a better, easier, more likely to be maintained in the future. I really didn’t want another long semester of technical shell and networking :frowning_face: .

Or i can just stay on core, but i got the impression that it will come to an end sooner rather than later, maybe im wrong on that but is the impression i got which is why im looking at scale.