TN Scale, setup syncthing for SMB share

Running dragonfish 24.04.2

As noted, I’m trying to setup syncthing so I can sync a set of SMB shared folders. When I install and configure syncthing, it keeps setting “apps” for the permissions. (Which then nukes the SMB access - because it makes “apps” the group/owner and wipes all the other perms)

So, what’s the magic set of ACL permissions that will allow syncthing access to the folders, while maintaining the SMB access.

Lets assume that the SMB user/groups should be.
User: SomUser
Group: SomGroup

And that user and group should have full access.
I assume I’ll need to add some other user/group so that syncthing can access it too.

Lets assume the path is
/mnt/zfs-data/some-data/ [There are several folders underneath this point that we’ll want both syncthing and SMB to be able to access.]

I’ve tried a bunch of different things, but I haven’t managed to find the right combination. Perhaps this should be obvious, but it sure hasn’t been obvious so far.



Have set my SMB folder as additional storage in the official truenas syncthing app without checking any of the boxes in that selection.

In the dataset, permisions user is set to “apps” (full control) which works for me and my user name is set as owner (full control) and also the group is set (modify).

Also did not delete any of the “built_in” users. Maybe the nesting of folders might be the permissions issue and wouldn’t know how to set those.

I am trying to do a similar thing on my TrueNAS Scale and running in an access problem. Don’t want to open a new post if I don’t have to.

I have a SMB share and want to sync a Folder both ways from my PC to the Share and the Share to my PC. Best solution as far as I can tell is to use Syncthing.

My Synthing Setup:

First thing I changed up from the standard installation:

I did not want to give all my Apps permissions on my SMB only Syncthing, so I manually created a Syncthing user and group.

Syncthing config path

  • ACL enabled
  • different dataset + storage – dedicated for apps
  • ID Type ‘User’ with full control access
  • ACL force flag

SMB Share

  • ACL enabled
  • ID Type ‘User’ with modify access
  • ACL force flag

On the SMB Share itself

  • owner = root | owner group = userGroup (not Syncthing)
  • Syncthing permissions = modify (I also tried full control permissions)
  • For either sync-user or / and sync-group; not making a difference.

Error Messages

The result on my TrueNAS is always as follows
PC Syncthing Console
[MID32] 2025/02/06 19:23:18 INFO: Puller (folder "PC-Sync" (#FolderID#), item "Bilder\\X Y Z\\XYZ.pdf"): syncing: shortcut file (setting permissions): chmod \\?\D:\Users\XYZ\OneDrive\Bilder\X Y Z\XYZ.pdf: Access is denied.

PC Syncthing GUI – Failed Items
syncing: shortcut file (setting permissions): chmod \\?\D:\Users\XYZ\OneDrive\Bilder\XYZ.pdf: Access is denied.

TrueNAS Web Portal GUI – Failed Items
syncing: shortcut file (setting permissions): chmod /Main-Storage/PC-Sync/Bilder/XYZ.pdf: operation not permitted


As far as I understand it has either to be a permission issues with my local machine or my TrueNAS, but I do not see what I did wrong.
Do I need to give Syncthing full permissions (not keen on doing that), can I not use it in a SMB share, is the problem my PC, or am I missing some other setup step? Am not getting closer to fixing my problem for the last few weeks and would really appreciate some help. I hope I included everything and Thank you for your time reading this!

Suggest you begin by deleting the config dataset and setting up a new dataset with UNIX permissions. The UNIX config dataset should have apps as the owner (check all controls) and apps (modify) as the group. Use the Unix ACL. This has always worked for me.

From your info, would have the SMB dataset owner set to your user “Syncthing” (full control) and the group (modify) looks like it’s also Syncthing. The user is normally set to apps (full control) and don’t how you can work around this. Might try getting the app up and running before restricting the permissions or checking the ACL box when installing the app. Anyway, after a failed install be sure to delete the datasets/permissions and begin anew.

Good morning,

I’m not an ACL pro.
I successfully installed Syncthing with Docker Compose, here is my .yml file :

The volume /mnt/DisqueB/Sync is an SMB share.

Sync is a Dataset of DisqueB :

In Truenas user 1000 is not defined in the credentials.

Here are the ACLs of /mnt/DisqueB/Sync :


In Windows 11 I can see the Sync directory and I can browse it.


I’m not sure my configuration is secure but it works perfectly. I successfully synchronize photos and videos from two Smartphones and Truenas Sync SMB share.

If this helps…

Questions are welcome…