Truecommand with docker

Hello can someone help me ? i have setup a truecammand with the following command "sudo docker run --detach -v “/opt/truecommand-data” -p 8888:80 -p 8889:443 Package truecommand · GitHub " and after i reboot the server i loose everything and the container does not start … What am i doing wrong ? Thanx in advance

You’re not binding /opt/truecommand-data with /data.

can you help me with the command i am not familiar with docker . how can i do it ?

Our docs suggest docker run –detach -v “/hostdir:/data” -p port:80 -p ssl:443, which with your values would be:

docker run –detach -v “/opt/truecommand-data:/data” -p 8888:80 -p 8889:443

value1:value2 defines a mount between the host and container.

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the problem with the restart has been resolved with “–restart always” in the run docker command . So sudo docker run --restart always --detach -v /dockerdirdata -p 8888:80 -p 8889:443 Package truecommand · GitHub
