I had problems accessing shares on a FreeNAS “upgrade” to this TrueNAS. After importing the pools, the shares were not accessible trhough any PC using SMB.
I thought that it was an upgrade failure…
I installed a new TrueNAS-13.0-U6.2 as a virtual machine, set it up and attempted to connect to shares on a test pool.
Same problem. NO access to the shares from any user account on different PCs.
Next question: Are you sharing out the root dataset or a child dataset? Somewhere around truenas 12.x there was a change that removed the option to use the root dataset as smb share, as well as root as smb user.
If I am using the appropriate language, a pool was created in the virtual instance, and then child “shares” created and a test user account was add with 777 permissions.
Root is not involved and the datasets are clean. However the problem is solved. I found that my deleting the users and then rebooting and adding them, access was okay.
So it was possibly and combination of Windows registry issues deniying access to the SMB shared drives or TrueNAS account errors. I suspect Windows since the settings were the same as the virtual instance I setup to review the default settings.