TrueNAS 13.0-U6.7 has been released!

We are pleased to release TrueNAS 13.0-U6.7!

This is a minor maintenance release that incorporates another upstream fix for the just-patched rsync daemon (NAS-133755).

Users who update to 13.0-U6.6 and encounter issues with an existing rsync task are encouraged to update to 13.0-U6.7.

Release Notes:
Documentation: TrueNAS Documentation Hub

Thank you for continuing to use TrueNAS. Your feedback is appreciated!

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“Typo found after pushing the release of 13.0-U6.7. We plan to release 13.0-U6.7.01 by Monday morning.”

I kid, I kid!

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It’s like buses you wait for one for ages then two arrive at the same time (or is that just a British thing) :rofl:


Update 5 systems to u6.7 last night without isue. Thanks!


The link brought me to a page to download 13.0-U6.6 :thinking:
Maybe @winnielinnie was not kidding after all…

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Even the .iso file is named “U6.6”. :sweat_smile:

What’s going on, iX? Someone forgot to drink their coffee?

EDIT: Using my voodoo magic, I have found the secret URL!

Only the wise are able to decipher the hidden coded language in the URL.

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Friday afternoon release I suppose…

For a change, marketing lags engineering :slight_smile:


The cunning plan to make TrueNAS CORE 13.0-U6.5, U6.6 and U6.7 the least successful releases in TrueNAS history is working perfectly… :japanese_goblin:


Certainly hope that U6.5 and U6.6 are very unsuccessful!

These corner-case bugs are very annoying to us and the community - but I don’t think ignoring them is an option.

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Yeah, no one likes to actually have to maintain the product they make.
“I can’t wait to go Linux! Where maintenance is abnormal.”

Seriously: this really has me thinking about the future.

I think you misunderstand me.

No-one really likes to put out three largely redundant maintenance versions.

Its completely independent of OS.

First, I hope you know I was just giving you a hard time so please don’t think I was really trying to “insult”/“put down”/“whatever” you.

Second, I typed fast and didn’t mind my own preachings about how guests and others are reading this later and now. If I had paused, I wouldn’t have made that joke.

So, officially, I’d like to apologize for that.

Thirdly, I understand that and that is what’s making me think about the future, honeslty.


Will 13.3-U1 get this fix?

You mean U2? It appears it will receive this fix.

Updated to TrueNAS-13.0-U6.7 without any issues.

13.3-U1.1 has the fix. And now you can download it without extra trickery… :wink: