Ho una domandona da fare… attualmente ho installato la versione bluefin che viene catalogata come ARCHIVE ma dal menu di aggiornamento, trovo le versioni piu recenti. ora nasce il problema… se seleziono nel menu a tendina la versione piu aggiornata, cosa succede ?? potrebbe aggiornarsi e cancellare tutte le mie impostazioni ??
First of all, download the current configuration file on your computer so that you have a copy, just in case. You do so by going to System Settings
→ General
→ Manage Configuration
(blue button in the top right). Make sure you check the button to export passwords since you’ll want those if you end up having to use the configuration file.
Next, try the built-in automatic update, you should update in steps like so: (Bluefin)
→ 23.10.2 (Cobia)
→ (Dragonfish)
Read the release notes for more information:
ok, ti ringrazio per la risposta… facendo i passaggi bluefin----cobia— dragonfish, perdo qualche dato in aggiornamento oppure dovrei solo aggiornare senza perdere alcun dato ?
You should always have a backup of any important data.
Having said that, your data should not be affected by the upgrades.
- Some services were removed or changed (OpenVPN, Rsyncd, WebDAV, TFTP and so on), so depending on what you use you may need to rethink those.
- Refresh your browser cache with CTRL+F5 or equivalent after updating but before logging in to make sure you see accurate information.
- Do not update your ZFS-flags until you have tested that everything is working as you expect. Updating the ZFS-flags of the pools may prevent you from reverting back to a previous version.
ok, ho capito… appena rimodernizzo il server, passo direttamente all’ultima versione
Grazie mille
You can’t directly switch to the latest version (Dragonfish) from Bluefin. The upgrade process is a 2 step process as explained in the documentation.
You have to upgrade Bluefin to Cobia first, then you upgrade from Cobia to Dragonfish.
The update process will not allow/or will fail if you try to update directly to Dragonfish. Do not update any feature flags during the process.
I successfully upgraded a server from Bluefin, to Cobia, then to Dragonfish and the update process works well.