Truenas Chart Gitea upgrade with Electric Eel

I am currently on Dragonfish-24.04.2, and I’m using Gitea app from truenas charts.
I wonder how the upgrade from truenas charts with Electric Eel will happen with this app.

As I know, this app launches a Postgres database and the web interface for Gitea in one go. Will the migration take this kind of apps into consideration when converting to docker apps?

We are promised a seamless migration from Kubernetes to Docker for all TrueNAS Charts apps. So based on this promise the TrueNAS Charts Gitea app should migrate seamlessly to docker when you do the EE upgrade.

(If ixSystems achieves this perfectly for all the user options for all the apps, that will be a great achievement. Life is often not that perfect, so expect some glitches especially if you are an early adopter.)

Upgrade was successful, even with Gitea.


Out of curiosity, is the instance of Gitea that migrated successfully configured with ix-volumes or host path storage?

It’s with Host Path.

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