TrueNAS CORE 13.3-RELEASE is Now Available

It’s mostly unlikely to be related to the update.

I encourage you to open a thread specific to the issue and to share the details of the errors.

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Open your own dedicated thread, it’s not expected behaviour. Make sure to list your hardware.

I’ve heard that (I’ve never used it though). Is it a fun language (I don’t think I’ve ever even seen a line of FORTRAN code)?

It also has evolved a lot (you FORTRAN or Fortran camp?).
Btw, pascal anyone?

I started writing a pascal compiler (from a book) after I was done with SICP. The code was tossing a segfault during the IR stage so I had to abandon the book. Tons of fun though! Lol

I suppose so, for the values of “fun” which were supported by a mainfraime from the '50s.
“Classic joke” from the tutorial:

God is real, unless declared as integer.

Yes Sir!


Not quite, but the short-lived and basically irrelevant object-oriented variant, Delphi. This was Borland desperately trying to hold on to a shred of relevance long after the world had moved on.

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While the skills gap in COBOL programming poses challenges, the combination of legacy system dependencies, cost considerations, and the need for stability means that the U.S. federal government will likely continue to rely on COBOL for the foreseeable future. Efforts to modernize these systems are ongoing but will take time and careful planning.



13.4-RELEASE is available as a jail version.

So does this mean a 13.4 jail will run in TrueNAS 13.3?
Has anyone validated?

I’ll have to run some tests.

13.2 jails ran fine on a 13.1 host.

Geez, and I remember learning Fortran 4 back in 1978 on a nice little mainframe at the local community college. We had a bunch of TTYs and could only use one for something like 30 minutes a day so others could use them as well.

Good Times

Anyone? Is TrueCommand supposed to work with TN CORE 13.3?

It (TrueCommand) is only tested against our enterprise products, not 13.3.


Was this working with BETA, but now not working?

Used to work with the nightlies before the beta, iirc. Not quite sure about the beta from memory.

Working in BETA1, working in BETA2, not working in 13.3 RELEASE.

And now, after the third reboot back into 13.3 RELEASE it seems to be working in RELEASE, too.

Unless the “shares” information in the fleet dashboard is cached for some time.


It was a surprise that it didn’t work.
We assumed that BETA testers would notice issues like this.
There are no API changes, so it implicitly should work.

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Just upgraded one of my jails to 13.4-RELEASE. It is running fine.