TrueNAS Core 13 File Transfer Starts Fast then Slows to 0MB/s

Nice! I have a similar setup, though I’m doing everything on TrueNAS SCALE instead of in ProxMox. I have a guest pfSense VM under it.

So your network looks something like this?

On Proxmox, can you share the configuration of vmbr0
It’ll look something like the example on that page:

iface vmbr0 inet manual
        bridge-ports eno1
        bridge-stp off
        bridge-fd 0
        bridge-vlan-aware yes
        bridge-vids 2-4094

Network Configuration - Proxmox VE

On the pFsense side…Can you go to this page and filter like this while a file transfer is going? Screenshot the “States” below. You can redact whatever as long as I can read it. 445 is the port SMB works on. If we can see a state between the two, the firewall is actually aware of the stream which is not what you want to see.

Also the ARP table, we want to make sure both clients, the TrueNAS and WIndows, show up under LAN or whatever the virtual switch network is:

The point of all of this is to verify that the TrueNAS and the Client are properly talking inside of the same L2 network, we don’t want to see indications they are talking through the Firewall.