Truenas core downgrade

is it possible to downgrade from 13 to 12?, this is just for my own reasons or will i have to delete the vm with truenas on and install from scratch?

Depends on if you’ve also upgraded and enabled new features on your data pools. If you did the answer is no, since pools with newer features can’t be imported on older truenas versions.
If you didn’t upgrade the pools, then you should be able to select an older boot environment, reboot and be back on 12 instead of 13.

how do you select the older boot environments?

Can’t remember if it’s the same on core but for scale it’s under system settings → boot. That should list all installed boot environments. There you should be able to choose your core 12 boot environment, set it to active, reboot and you should be back to core 12.

System > Boot in CORE.

that worked thanks.