TrueNAS core GUI through reverse proxy issue

Hello everyone, this is my last option to finding a solution but i have checked and looked everywhere and apparently no one is talking about this.
So, i have a proxmox server where i run 1 TrueNAS core vm and 1 Ubuntu Server vm. The problem appears when i am trying to access truenas web ui through my traefik reverse proxy run as a container in my ubuntu vm. Until now, i had access to all of my services, even proxmox, through the traefik reverse proxy and everything worked fine but when i tried configuring traefik for truenas, something really weird happened. I could access the truenas ui (through my FQDN) only on safari. On chromium based browsers (i use Arc on macos) i get a “Connecting to TrueNAS … Make sure the TrueNAS system is powered on and connected to the network.” screen message and a websocket error on console.
I have tried literally every possible configuration on traefik’s side but still, works only on safari.

Please help!