Hi I am using truenas core 13.0-U6.2
We are using smb shares and windows clients.
the problem I am facing is when I brows the nas with normal windows explorer I have no issues opening files.
when I open files lets say with outlook or whatsapp to attach files the system hangs and takes about 2 to 3 mins to respond and then u can brows the shares and attach the file.
Is there anything that might cause this to happen??
Thanks in advance
How are the SMB shares set up on the NAS? Are you using AD, active directory to control permissions? What version(s) are the Windows Clients? Is there any other info you might think is useful for this problem?
Thanks for response its just normal smb shares managed through the nas acl. we are using windows 11 mostly 23H2 and some older laptops with windows 10.
all connected with lan cables on a gigbit switch.
forgot we are not using ad to manage shares
Are there a lot of files in the directory, like hundreds or thousands? I just opened Gmail on a Windows 10 machine and dropped in an image using the Gmail, adding the image and not using Win Explorer and I didn’t have a problem.
Maybe you can do some screenshots of your problem process. If you have trouble posting because of being a new user, just try editing your posts or you can try Messaging me or a forum Mod. I will just post to the thread until your status changes. It’s usually pretty quick.
a bit more background. we have a share maped on the windows clients on its ip address and not host name. we have a company root folder with 15 sub folders and no files. each folder have its own group permission. for example finance folder with finance group access permission. in the sub folders there are many files and more folders.
The open window gets non responsive when u open the root folder thats mapped. If you use a pinned location in explorers side bar thats also a location on the nas same problem the apps open box gets non responsive. The thing that breaks my brain is the fact that its intermittent and not all clients are struggling with this.
Are you using Map Network Drive so the users have the share mapped to a drive letter? My example is drive Z.
yes exactly the same just using N for drive letter and also using the \\ip\company for the path
I have no idea what may be the cause. Did you check the NAS server health and it’s filesystem? Things like scrubs being run and SMART tests?
yes buddy nas is in perfect health scrubs are running and completing on there normal schedule. was wondering if a migrate from core to scale might solve my problem. mabye linux base might handle smb shares a bit better. but anyway thanks for opting in to help.
Do you have a development machine to try out TrueNAS Scale and SMB on as a test. Core to Scale is a one way upgrade.
I think it is more to do with the way the Outlook and Whatsapp are attaching the files and interacting with windows explorer in the background. 2-3 minutes seems like a timeout waiting on something.
I was hoping someone else would post feedback too.
I remember having something similar, for me disabling Interrupt Morderation on the Windows client provided relief. Device manager, find the NIC, properties, advanced.
At worst you can re-enable it if it wasn’t of use.
Changed it on 2 worst devices. Letting them test for a few days. will give feedback. Thanks