TrueNAS Core with Plex and NextCloud sharing folders

Hi all,

I apologise if this has been asked and answered before, I’ve searched and couldn’t find an answer.

I’m looking to replace my windows home server 2011 with something more up to date. Server consists of an AMD A10 16gb, ssd drive, and several sata hard drives.

I’m planning to install Proxmox, and run truenas as a container, and within truenas, both plex and nextcloud.

Is there any way, that we have have single version of the folders, shared between both Plex and NextCloud, so that they both use the same source. Ideally, I want photos etc which are backed up by nextcloud, to be available in Plex, photos etc.

Would anyone have any idea if this is possible? And if so, how to go about it?

Thanks for any/all help provided

It is very possible. You would just have to mount the folders into the corresponding jails (plex and Nextcloud) and have users plex (for plex) and www (for Nextcloud) have access to these folders.