Truenas lables

im trying to set up trafik as a revers proxy idealy i would just jsut uses the custom app button but therir are alot of setting missing ive gone throe the steps of jsuting using the tearmila but it sucks not having the apps show on the ui but im ok with that i than realized how am i gonna add lables on the preinstalled apps or customs apps cuz for some reason ix idk why thhir is’t a setting so i modified the custome docke compse and i thtough yaya till i realied if i update the setting in the ui it breaks my custome configs i made using terminal :frowning: womp womp any one know how to modifi the custome app building thing so i can force it to add lables in the ui ?? i know its a crazy ask unlss ix is gonna add taht soon

You can’t add custom labels to non-custom apps currently, but the feature is coming